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    dnes 12:55 | Nová verze

    Lazygit byl vydán ve verzi 0.42.0. Jedná se o TUI (Text User Interface) nadstavbu nad gitem.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    dnes 12:22 | IT novinky

    K open source herní konzole Picopad přibyla (𝕏) vylepšená verze Picopad Pro s větším displejem, lepšími tlačítky a větší baterii. Na YouTube lze zhlédnout přednášku Picopad - open source herní konzole z LinuxDays 2023.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    17.5. 13:44 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána (𝕏) nová major verze 17 softwarového nástroje s webovým rozhraním umožňujícího spolupráci na zdrojových kódech GitLab (Wikipedie). Představení nových vlastností i s náhledy a videi v oficiálním oznámení.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    17.5. 12:22 | Komunita

    Sovereign Tech Fund, tj. program financování otevřeného softwaru německým ministerstvem hospodářství a ochrany klimatu, podpoří vývoj FFmpeg částkou 157 580 eur. V listopadu loňského roku podpořil GNOME částkou 1 milion eur.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    17.5. 01:55 | Komunita

    24. září 2024 budou zveřejněny zdrojové kódy přehrávače Winamp.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 12
    16.5. 23:33 | Nová verze

    Google Chrome 125 byl prohlášen za stabilní. Nejnovější stabilní verze 125.0.6422.60 přináší řadu oprav a vylepšení (YouTube). Podrobný přehled v poznámkách k vydání. Opraveno bylo 9 bezpečnostních chyb. Vylepšeny byly také nástroje pro vývojáře.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    16.5. 21:11 | Nová verze

    Textový editor Neovim byl vydán ve verzi 0.10 (𝕏). Přehled novinek v příspěvku na blogu a v poznámkách k vydání.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    16.5. 20:55 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 6.3 živé linuxové distribuce Tails (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), jež klade důraz na ochranu soukromí uživatelů a anonymitu. Přehled změn v příslušném seznamu. Tor Browser byl povýšen na verzi 13.0.15.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    16.5. 13:33 | IT novinky

    Dnes ve 12:00 byla spuštěna první aukce domén .CZ. Zatím největší zájem je o,,, a [𝕏].

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 10
    16.5. 13:22 | Nová verze

    JackTrip byl vydán ve verzi 2.3.0. Jedná se o multiplatformní open source software umožňující hudebníkům z různých částí světa společné hraní. JackTrip lze instalovat také z Flathubu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    Podle hypotézy Mrtvý Internet mj. tvoří většinu online interakcí boti.
    Celkem 377 hlasů
     Komentářů: 16, poslední 14.5. 11:05

    Administrace komentářů

    Jste na stránce určené pro řešení chyb a problémů týkajících se diskusí a komentářů. Můžete zde našim administrátorům reportovat špatně zařazenou či duplicitní diskusi, vulgární či osočující příspěvek a podobně. Děkujeme vám za vaši pomoc, více očí více vidí, společně můžeme udržet vysokou kvalitu

    11.3.2023 14:48 altt
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Ubuntu 22.04 wake on lan po vypnutí
    nj moja chyba
    mar 10 18:42:06 user-desktop steam.desktop[3730]: src/steamexe/main.cpp (254) : Assertion Failed: reaping pid: 26925 -- gameoverlayui
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop steam[3730]: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop steam[3730]: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop steam.desktop[3730]: [2023-03-10 18:42:07] Shutdown
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd-logind[1379]: System is powering down.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel: rfkill: input handler enabled
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Session 1 of User user...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Removed slice Slice /system/getty.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Removed slice Slice /system/modprobe.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Bluetooth Support.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Preparation for Logins.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Graphical Interface.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Multi-User System.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Login Prompts.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Sound Card.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME session X11 services.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME X11 Session (session: ubuntu).
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME Session.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME X11 Session.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME Session (session: ubuntu).
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME accessibility target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME color management target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME date & time target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME maintenance of expirable data target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Timer Units.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME keyboard configuration target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME keyboard shortcuts target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME power management target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME printer notifications target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: anacron.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME RFKill support target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME FreeDesktop screensaver target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME file sharing target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME smartcard target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Trigger anacron every hour.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME sound sample caching target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME Wacom tablet support target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME XSettings target.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: apport-autoreport.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Process error reports when automatic reporting is enabled (timer based).
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: apt-daily-upgrade.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Daily apt upgrade and clean activities.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Daily apt download activities.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: dpkg-db-backup.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Daily dpkg database backup timer.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: e2scrub_all.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Periodic ext4 Online Metadata Check for All Filesystems.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: fstrim.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Discard unused blocks once a week.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: fwupd-refresh.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Refresh fwupd metadata regularly.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: logrotate.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Daily rotation of log files.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: man-db.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Daily man-db regeneration.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: motd-news.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Message of the Day.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop audit[1359]: USER_AVC pid=1359 uid=103 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=unconfined msg='apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_signal"  bus="system" path="/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager" interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" member="CheckPermissions" name=":1.18" mask="receive" pid=19732 label="snap.spotify.spotify" peer_pid=1652 peer_label="unconfined"
                                                exe="/usr/bin/dbus-daemon" sauid=103 hostname=? addr=? terminal=?'
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopping IBus Daemon for GNOME...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Clean PHP session files every 30 mins.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: ua-timer.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Ubuntu Advantage Timer for running repeated jobs.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: update-notifier-download.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Download data for packages that failed at package install time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: update-notifier-motd.timer: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Check to see whether there is a new version of Ubuntu available.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target Current graphical user session.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-rfkill.socket: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Closed Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status /dev/rfkill Watch.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel: audit: type=1107 audit(1678470127.585:302): pid=1359 uid=103 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=unconfined msg='apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_signal"  bus="system" path="/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager" interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" member="CheckPermissions" name=":1.18" mask="receive" pid=19732 label="snap.spotify.spotify" peer_pid=1652 peer_label="unconfined"
                                           exe="/usr/bin/dbus-daemon" sauid=103 hostname=? addr=? terminal=?'
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped Path trigger for new release of Ubuntu notifications.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop conky.desktop[3191]: conky: X Error: Display 557307fbbe50
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop dbus-daemon[2370]: [session uid=1000 pid=2370] Monitoring connection :1.87 closed.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /mnt/1F15BCAA3926D87A...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop ModemManager[1490]: [info]  caught signal, shutting down...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /mnt/5044C5F15FA07159...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop ModemManager[1490]: [info]  ModemManager is shut down
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /mnt/988a7332-96b7-4485-8959-576e42586a64...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop ntfs-3g[1747]: Unmounting /dev/sdb (Data)
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Modem Manager...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Accounts Service...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping ACPI event daemon...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop NetworkManager[1652]: [info]  [1678470127.6393] modem-manager: ModemManager no longer available
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Save/Restore Sound Card State...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: automatic crash report generation...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop bluetoothd[1465]: Terminating
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Bluetooth service...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop freshclam[4135]: Fri Mar 10 18:42:07 2023 -> Update process terminated
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping ClamAV virus database updater...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Regular background program processing daemon...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Make remote CUPS printers available locally...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Docker Application Container Engine...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping GNOME Display Manager...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping irqbalance daemon...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop dockerd[4137]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:07.643022323+01:00" level=info msg="Processing signal 'terminated'"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: lm-sensors.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Initialize hardware monitoring sensors.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop nvidia-persistenced[2003]: Received signal 15
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping NVIDIA Persistence Daemon...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: openvpn.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped OpenVPN service.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping PackageKit Daemon...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: plymouth-quit-wait.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Hold until boot process finishes up.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Power Profiles daemon...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping System Logging Service...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop rsyslogd[1373]: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.2112.0" x-pid="1373" x-info=""] exiting on signal 15.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping RustDesk...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Service for snap application cups.cups-browsed...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Service for snap application cups.cupsd...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: snapd.seeded.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Wait until snapd is fully seeded.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Snap Daemon...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop snapd[1376]: main.go:155: Exiting on terminated signal.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Condition check resulted in Ubuntu core (all-snaps) system shutdown helper setup service being skipped.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop sshd[1813]: Received signal 15; terminating.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop snapd[1376]: overlord.go:512: Released state lock file
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop smartd[1375]: smartd received signal 15: Terminated
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop smartd[1375]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], state written to /var/lib/smartmontools/smartd.ST2000LM003_HN_M201RAD-S36XJ9AH103745.ata.state
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop smartd[1375]: Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], state written to /var/lib/smartmontools/smartd.WDC_WD40EFPX_68C6CN0-WD_WXA2A923AXVU.ata.state
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop smartd[1375]: Device: /dev/sdc [SAT], state written to /var/lib/smartmontools/smartd.SK_hynix_SC300_SATA_256GB-EJ76N501410806D5P.ata.state
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop smartd[1375]: Device: /dev/nvme0, state written to /var/lib/smartmontools/smartd.CT1000P2SSD8-2130E5BB3324.nvme.state
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop smartd[1375]: smartd is exiting (exit status 0)
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Load/Save Random Seed...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping TeamViewer remote control daemon...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: tor.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (multi-instance-master).
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Anonymizing overlay network for TCP...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Ubuntu FAN network setup...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Disk Manager...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Daemon for power management...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop Tor[1849]: Interrupt: exiting cleanly.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel: EXT4-fs (sdc1): unmounting filesystem.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop ntfs-3g[2233]: Unmounting /dev/sda1 ()
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping vboxautostart-service.service...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping vboxballoonctrl-service.service...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop fwupd[3530]: 17:42:07:0654 FuPluginUpower       failed to query lid state
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop fwupd[3530]: 17:42:07:0654 FuPluginUpower       failed to query lid state
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping vboxweb-service.service...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: VirtualBox Linux kernel module...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop dbus-daemon[1359]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.network1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service' requested by ':1.24864' (uid=0 pid=50716 comm="networkctl " label="unconfined")
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop nvidia-persistenced[2003]: Socket closed.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop nvidia-persistenced[2003]: PID file unlocked.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop nvidia-persistenced[2003]: PID file closed.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop nvidia-persistenced[2003]: The daemon no longer has permission to remove its runtime data directory /var/run/nvidia-persistenced
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop nvidia-persistenced[2003]: Shutdown (2003)
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: app-gnome-conky-3191.scope: Consumed 14.780s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: snap.snap-store.snap-store.ddbced12-f0ae-4eb6-a438-8acb49ea33ed.scope: Consumed 3.861s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: app-gnome-gnome\x2dsoftware\x2dservice-3210.scope: Consumed 4.343s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped IBus Daemon for GNOME.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: org.freedesktop.IBus.session.GNOME.service: Consumed 13.479s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME Session is initialized.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME Shell.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopping GNOME Shell on X11...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped Monitor Session leader for GNOME Session.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped GNOME Session Manager (session: ubuntu).
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: gnome-session-manager@ubuntu.service: Consumed 1.906s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: accounts-daemon.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Accounts Service.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: cron.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Regular background program processing daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: irqbalance.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped irqbalance daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: networkd-dispatcher.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: power-profiles-daemon.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Power Profiles daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rsyslog.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped System Logging Service.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: smartmontools.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: snapd.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Snap Daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: snapd.service: Consumed 3.892s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop audit[50683]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" class="cap" profile="/snap/core/14784/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" pid=50683 comm="snap-confine" capability=12  capname="net_admin"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop audit[50683]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" class="cap" profile="/snap/core/14784/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" pid=50683 comm="snap-confine" capability=38  capname="perfmon"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel:  sdb:
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1678470127.669:303): apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" class="cap" profile="/snap/core/14784/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" pid=50683 comm="snap-confine" capability=12  capname="net_admin"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1678470127.669:304): apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" class="cap" profile="/snap/core/14784/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" pid=50683 comm="snap-confine" capability=38  capname="perfmon"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: ModemManager.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Modem Manager.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47516 (rustdesk) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47523 (tokio-runtime-w) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47524 (tokio-runtime-w) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47526 (tokio-runtime-w) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47527 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47528 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47529 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47530 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47531 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47532 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47533 (tokio-runtime-w) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47535 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47536 (rustdesk) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47537 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47538 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47539 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47541 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47542 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47543 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47544 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47545 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47547 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47548 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47549 (rustdesk) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47550 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47551 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47552 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47553 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47554 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47556 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47557 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47558 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47559 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47560 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47561 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Killing process 47562 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: ssh.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped OpenBSD Secure Shell server.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: colord.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cupsd[50683]: + [ -f /var/snap/cups/872/var/run/stop-cupsd.lock ]
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cupsd[50683]: + echo ==> We are already shutting down cupsd
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cupsd[50683]: ==> We are already shutting down cupsd
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cupsd[50683]: + exit 0
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: tor@default.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Anonymizing overlay network for TCP.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + [ -f /var/snap/cups/872/var/run/stop-cups-browsed.lock ]
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + touch /var/snap/cups/872/var/run/stop-cups-browsed.lock
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rtkit-daemon.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + echo ==> Shutting down cups-browsed
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: ==> Shutting down cups-browsed
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50790]: + cat /var/snap/cups/872/var/run/
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + PID=2594
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + [ -n 2594 ]
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + kill -0 2594
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + kill -TERM 2594
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + DEAD=0
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50792]: + seq 300
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: upower.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Daemon for power management.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + kill -0 2594
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + DEAD=1
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + break
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + [ 1 = 0 ]
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + rm -f /var/snap/cups/872/var/run/
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap.cups.cups-browsed.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=143/n/a
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop cups.cups-browsed[50682]: + rm -f /var/snap/cups/872/var/run/stop-cups-browsed.lock
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: packagekit.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped PackageKit Daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: packagekit.service: Consumed 4.079s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: clamav-freshclam.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped ClamAV virus database updater.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: mnt-1F15BCAA3926D87A.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /mnt/1F15BCAA3926D87A.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: mnt-5044C5F15FA07159.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /mnt/5044C5F15FA07159.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: mnt-988a7332\x2d96b7\x2d4485\x2d8959\x2d576e42586a64.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /mnt/988a7332-96b7-4485-8959-576e42586a64.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: alsa-restore.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Save/Restore Sound Card State.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop audit[2333]: SECCOMP auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 ses=4294967295 subj=snap.cups.cupsd pid=2333 comm="cupsd" exe="/snap/cups/872/sbin/cupsd" sig=0 arch=c000003e syscall=93 compat=0 ip=0x7f7c04d8e39b code=0x50000
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-random-seed.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped GNOME Shell on X11.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: org.gnome.Shell@x11.service: Consumed 1min 59.218s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target GNOME Session Manager is ready.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Load/Save Random Seed.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target Tasks to be run before GNOME Session starts.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target Session services which should run early before the graphical session is brought up.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Reached target Shutdown running GNOME Session.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: vboxautostart-service.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel: audit: type=1326 audit(1678470127.685:305): auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 ses=4294967295 subj=snap.cups.cupsd pid=2333 comm="cupsd" exe="/snap/cups/872/sbin/cupsd" sig=0 arch=c000003e syscall=93 compat=0 ip=0x7f7c04d8e39b code=0x50000
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped vboxautostart-service.service.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: vboxballoonctrl-service.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopping Start gnome-keyring as SSH agent...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (**) Option "fd" "39"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) event1  - Power Button: device removed
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (**) Option "fd" "42"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) event0  - Power Button: device removed
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (**) Option "fd" "43"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) event7  - Logitech Wireless Mouse: device removed
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (**) Option "fd" "44"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) event6  - RAPOO RAPOO 5G Wireless Device: device removed
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (**) Option "fd" "45"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (**) Option "fd" "46"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) event8  - RAPOO RAPOO 5G Wireless Device Mouse: device removed
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (**) Option "fd" "47"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) event9  - RAPOO RAPOO 5G Wireless Device System Control: device removed
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped vboxballoonctrl-service.service.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (**) Option "fd" "45"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) event11 - RAPOO RAPOO 5G Wireless Device Consumer Control: device removed
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: vboxweb-service.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Starting Restart DBus after GNOME Session shutdown...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped vboxweb-service.service.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: xdg-desktop-portal-gnome.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: xdg-desktop-portal-gnome.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target Shutdown running GNOME Session.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: teamviewerd.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) systemd-logind: not releasing fd for 13:75, still in use
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:73
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped TeamViewer remote control daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: teamviewerd.service: Consumed 2.369s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: nvidia-persistenced.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop sh[50797]: /bin/sh: 1: initctl: not found
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped NVIDIA Persistence Daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped Start gnome-keyring as SSH agent.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Started Restart DBus after GNOME Session shutdown.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap.cups.cups-browsed.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application cups.cups-browsed.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped RustDesk.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: rustdesk.service: Consumed 3min 33.300s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: kerneloops.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop io.snapcraft.Settings[6031]: Exiting on terminated.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop gvfsd[2399]: A connection to the bus can't be made
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopping D-Bus User Message Bus...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd-logind[1379]: Session 1 logged out. Waiting for processes to exit.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: xdg-permission-store.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: xdg-permission-store.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop dbus-daemon[1359]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.Accounts' unit='accounts-daemon.service' requested by ':1.30' (uid=0 pid=2008 comm="/usr/sbin/gdm3 " label="unconfined")
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: xdg-document-portal.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=20/n/a
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: xdg-document-portal.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-user-1000-doc.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/user/1000/doc.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-user-1000-gvfs.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/user/1000/gvfs.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop audit[1359]: USER_AVC pid=1359 uid=103 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=unconfined msg='apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_signal"  bus="system" path="/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager" interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" member="CheckPermissions" name=":1.18" mask="receive" pid=19732 label="snap.spotify.spotify" peer_pid=1652 peer_label="unconfined"
                                                exe="/usr/bin/dbus-daemon" sauid=103 hostname=? addr=? terminal=?'
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop polkitd(authority=local)[1371]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-session:1 (system bus name :1.80, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale sk_SK.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus)
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop audit[1359]: USER_AVC pid=1359 uid=103 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=unconfined msg='apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_signal"  bus="system" path="/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager" interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" member="CheckPermissions" name=":1.18" mask="receive" pid=19732 label="snap.spotify.spotify" peer_pid=1652 peer_label="unconfined"
                                                exe="/usr/bin/dbus-daemon" sauid=103 hostname=? addr=? terminal=?'
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop dbus-daemon[1359]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service': Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service not found.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Requested transaction contradicts existing jobs: Transaction for accounts-daemon.service/start is destructive ( has 'stop' job queued, but 'start' is included in transaction).
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop dbus-daemon[1359]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'accounts-daemon.service': Transaction for accounts-daemon.service/start is destructive ( has 'stop' job queued, but 'start' is included in transaction).
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop gdm3[2008]: Gdm: Failed to contact accountsservice: Chyba pri volaní StartServiceByName pre org.freedesktop.Accounts: Transaction for accounts-daemon.service/start is destructive ( has 'stop' job queued, but 'start' is included in transaction).
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: gdm.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: gdm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop apport[50677]:  * Stopping automatic crash report generation: apport
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped GNOME Display Manager.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: gdm.service: Triggering OnFailure= dependencies.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel: audit: type=1107 audit(1678470127.709:306): pid=1359 uid=103 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=unconfined msg='apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_signal"  bus="system" path="/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager" interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" member="CheckPermissions" name=":1.18" mask="receive" pid=19732 label="snap.spotify.spotify" peer_pid=1652 peer_label="unconfined"
                                           exe="/usr/bin/dbus-daemon" sauid=103 hostname=? addr=? terminal=?'
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel: audit: type=1107 audit(1678470127.709:307): pid=1359 uid=103 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=unconfined msg='apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_signal"  bus="system" path="/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager" interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" member="CheckPermissions" name=":1.18" mask="receive" pid=19732 label="snap.spotify.spotify" peer_pid=1652 peer_label="unconfined"
                                           exe="/usr/bin/dbus-daemon" sauid=103 hostname=? addr=? terminal=?'
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Requested transaction contradicts existing jobs: Transaction for plymouth-quit.service/start is destructive ( has 'stop' job queued, but 'start' is included in transaction).
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: gdm.service: Failed to enqueue OnFailure= job, ignoring: Transaction for plymouth-quit.service/start is destructive ( has 'stop' job queued, but 'start' is included in transaction).
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: ubuntu-fan.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Ubuntu FAN network setup.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop apport[50677]:    ...done.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: virtualbox.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: VirtualBox Linux kernel module.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: apport.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: automatic crash report generation.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Removed slice Slice /system/tor.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Host and Network Name Lookups.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target System Time Set.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Firmware update daemon...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Starting Show Plymouth Power Off Screen...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Authorization Manager...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Switcheroo Control Proxy service...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped D-Bus User Message Bus.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: dbus.service: Consumed 6.444s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping VirtualBox Linux kernel module...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Received SIGRTMIN+20 from PID 50824 (plymouthd).
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel: [drm:nv_drm_master_set [nvidia_drm]] *ERROR* [nvidia-drm] [GPU ID 0x00000a00] Failed to grab modeset ownership
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: app-gnome-steam-3156.scope: Consumed 1h 10min 45.152s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: cups-browsed.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Make remote CUPS printers available locally.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: cups-browsed.service: Consumed 1.895s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop avahi-daemon[1356]: Got SIGTERM, quitting.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop avahi-daemon[1356]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface veth835342d.IPv6 with address fe80::28e1:60ff:fe20:600a.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping CUPS Scheduler...
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop avahi-daemon[1356]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface docker0.IPv4 with address
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop avahi-daemon[1356]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface br-696f275529c3.IPv6 with address fe80::42:bfff:fe01:e119.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop avahi-daemon[1356]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface br-696f275529c3.IPv4 with address
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop avahi-daemon[1356]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface enp9s0.IPv6 with address fe80::1ac0:4dff:fe89:f104.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop avahi-daemon[1356]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface enp9s0.IPv4 with address XXX.XXX.XXX.30.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop avahi-daemon[1356]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv6 with address ::1.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop avahi-daemon[1356]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv4 with address
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop x11vnc_monitor1.desktop[3178]: caught XIO error:
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop x11vnc_monitor1.desktop[3178]: 10/03/2023 18:42:07 deleted 60 tile_row polling images.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop x11vnc.desktop[3170]: caught XIO error:
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop x11vnc.desktop[3170]: 10/03/2023 18:42:07 deleted 120 tile_row polling images.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap.cups.cupsd.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application cups.cupsd.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap.cups.cupsd.service: Consumed 3.219s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: polkit.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Authorization Manager.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: polkit.service: Consumed 5.322s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: cups.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped CUPS Scheduler.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:72
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop avahi-daemon[1356]: avahi-daemon 0.8 exiting.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: avahi-daemon.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor.service: Consumed 1.626s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: avahi-daemon.service: Consumed 1.987s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Started Show Plymouth Power Off Screen.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Condition check resulted in Tell Plymouth To Jump To initramfs being skipped.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop x11vnc-1.desktop[3216]: caught XIO error:
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop x11vnc-1.desktop[3216]: 10/03/2023 18:42:07 deleted 60 tile_row polling images.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop tracker-miner-fs-3[2474]: OK
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: switcheroo-control.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Switcheroo Control Proxy service.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: fwupd.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Firmware update daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop bluetoothd[1465]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.69 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/sbc
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop bluetoothd[1465]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.69 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/sbc
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop bluetoothd[1465]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.69 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/sbc_xq_453
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop bluetoothd[1465]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.69 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/sbc_xq_453
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop bluetoothd[1465]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.69 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/sbc_xq_512
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop bluetoothd[1465]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.69 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/sbc_xq_512
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop bluetoothd[1465]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.69 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/sbc_xq_552
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop bluetoothd[1465]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.69 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/sbc_xq_552
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop NetworkManager[1652]: [info]  [1678470127.7957] device (90:78:B2:82:B9:88): state change: disconnected -> unmanaged (reason 'removed', sys-iface-state: 'removed')
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop bluetoothd[1465]: Stopping SDP server
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop bluetoothd[1465]: Exit
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:75
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[2291]: snap.spotify.spotify.b6452073-a513-4451-af49-d99223bfaff5.scope: Consumed 42.730s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop udisksd[1383]: udisks daemon version 2.9.4 exiting
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: udisks2.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Disk Manager.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: udisks2.service: Consumed 1.147s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:70
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: bluetooth.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Bluetooth service.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop systemd[1]: docker-9ce2bdbc0a996dfb44afbe0e2a5fe3eaa7e735a190b718399eb5e87275c8b998.scope: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop containerd[1822]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:07.918758507+01:00" level=info msg="shim disconnected" id=9ce2bdbc0a996dfb44afbe0e2a5fe3eaa7e735a190b718399eb5e87275c8b998
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop containerd[1822]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:07.918796449+01:00" level=warning msg="cleaning up after shim disconnected" id=9ce2bdbc0a996dfb44afbe0e2a5fe3eaa7e735a190b718399eb5e87275c8b998 namespace=moby
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop containerd[1822]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:07.918808031+01:00" level=info msg="cleaning up dead shim"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop dockerd[4137]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:07.918804925+01:00" level=info msg="ignoring event" container=9ce2bdbc0a996dfb44afbe0e2a5fe3eaa7e735a190b718399eb5e87275c8b998 module=libcontainerd namespace=moby topic=/tasks/delete type="*events.TaskDelete"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop containerd[1822]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:07.922723756+01:00" level=warning msg="cleanup warnings time=\"2023-03-10T18:42:07+01:00\" level=info msg=\"starting signal loop\" namespace=moby pid=50907\n"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:71
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel: br-696f275529c3: port 1(veth835342d) entered disabled state
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop kernel: vethd2ae5cf: renamed from eth0
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop[50825]: Stopping VirtualBox services.
    mar 10 18:42:07 user-desktop[50953]: Stopping VirtualBox services.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:64
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: pulseaudio.service: Consumed 52.635s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:65
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd-udevd[50767]: Using default interface naming scheme 'v249'.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop NetworkManager[1652]: [info]  [1678470128.0932] manager: (vethd2ae5cf): new Veth device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/8)
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop kernel: br-696f275529c3: port 1(veth835342d) entered disabled state
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop kernel: device veth835342d left promiscuous mode
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop kernel: br-696f275529c3: port 1(veth835342d) entered disabled state
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop[50970]: VirtualBox services stopped.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: vboxdrv.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped VirtualBox Linux kernel module.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop NetworkManager[1652]: [info]  [1678470128.1570] device (veth835342d): released from master device br-696f275529c3
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-docker-netns-638de4e57780.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/docker/netns/638de4e57780.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop dockerd[4137]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:08.281415447+01:00" level=info msg="stopping event stream following graceful shutdown" error="[nil]" module=libcontainerd namespace=moby
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop dockerd[4137]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:08.281713177+01:00" level=info msg="Daemon shutdown complete"
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop dockerd[4137]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:08.281726061+01:00" level=info msg="stopping event stream following graceful shutdown" error="context canceled" module=libcontainerd namespace=plugins.moby
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: docker.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Docker Application Container Engine.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: docker.service: Consumed 1.272s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Network is Online.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: NetworkManager-wait-online.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Network Manager Wait Online.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping containerd container runtime...
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop containerd[1822]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:08.287631198+01:00" level=info msg="Stop CRI service"
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop containerd[1822]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:08.304093422+01:00" level=info msg="Stop CRI service"
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop containerd[1822]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:08.304124741+01:00" level=info msg="Event monitor stopped"
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop containerd[1822]: time="2023-03-10T18:42:08.304134660+01:00" level=info msg="Stream server stopped"
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: containerd.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped containerd container runtime.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: containerd.service: Consumed 1.743s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Deleting GPU-0
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (WW) xf86CloseConsole: KDSETMODE failed: Input/output error
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (WW) xf86CloseConsole: VT_GETMODE failed: Input/output error
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[2396]: (II) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: session-1.scope: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Session 1 of User user.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: session-1.scope: Consumed 2min 11.504s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping User Login Management...
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping User Manager for UID 1000...
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd-logind[1379]: Removed session 1.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopping Application launched by gnome-session-binary...
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopping Application launched by gnome-session-binary...
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Removed slice Slice /app/gnome-session-manager.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: app-gnome\x2dsession\x2dmanager.slice: Consumed 1.906s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Removed slice Slice /app/org.gnome.Terminal.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: app-org.gnome.Terminal.slice: Consumed 1.330s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Removed slice User Background Tasks Slice.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: background.slice: Consumed 1.024s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target Main User Target.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopping PipeWire Media Session Manager...
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped Service for snap application snapd-desktop-integration.snapd-desktop-integration.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped PipeWire Media Session Manager.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopping PipeWire Multimedia Service...
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped PipeWire Multimedia Service.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Removed slice User Core Session Slice.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: session.slice: Consumed 3min 10.710s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target Basic System.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target Paths.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped Pending report trigger for Ubuntu Report.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target Sockets.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped target Timers.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Closed D-Bus User Message Bus Socket.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Closed GnuPG network certificate management daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Closed GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (access for web browsers).
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Closed GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (restricted).
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Closed GnuPG cryptographic agent (ssh-agent emulation).
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Closed GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Closed PipeWire Multimedia System Socket.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Closed debconf communication socket.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Closed Sound System.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Closed REST API socket for snapd user session agent.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-logind.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped User Login Management.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-logind.service: Consumed 1.893s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: var-lib-docker-overlay2-b32ac18c0692cc21cecc432c92ec876d9519be5dacc0afb56739766ed7b3b63d-merged.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /var/lib/docker/overlay2/b32ac18c0692cc21cecc432c92ec876d9519be5dacc0afb56739766ed7b3b63d/merged.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: acpid.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:08 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped ACPI event daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop synology-drive-autostart.desktop[4935]: failed to unregister service "org.kde.StatusNotifierItem-4935-1"
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop synology-drive-autostart.desktop[4935]: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/home/user/.SynologyDrive/") is still running.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop synology-drive-autostart.desktop[4935]: ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 4935, errno = 32
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Stopped Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[2291]: app-gnome-synology\x2ddrive\x2dautostart-3195.scope: Consumed 8.992s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Removed slice User Application Slice.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[2291]: app.slice: Consumed 1h 25min 50.316s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Reached target Shutdown.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Finished Exit the Session.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[2291]: Reached target Exit the Session.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped User Manager for UID 1000.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Consumed 1h 29min 2.773s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Userspace Out-Of-Memory (OOM) Killer...
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping User Runtime Directory /run/user/1000...
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-oomd.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Userspace Out-Of-Memory (OOM) Killer.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-oomd.service: Consumed 3.718s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-user-1000.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:11 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/user/1000.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: user-runtime-dir@1000.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped User Runtime Directory /run/user/1000.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of UID 1000.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: user-1000.slice: Consumed 1h 31min 14.284s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Permit User Sessions...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-user-sessions.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Permit User Sessions.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Network.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target User and Group Name Lookups.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Remote File Systems.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Network Manager...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop NetworkManager[1652]: [info]  [1678470132.0138] caught SIGTERM, shutting down normally.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Network Name Resolution...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping WPA supplicant...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: wpa_supplicant.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped WPA supplicant.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop NetworkManager[1652]: [info]  [1678470132.0363] dhcp4 (enp9s0): canceled DHCP transaction
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop NetworkManager[1652]: [info]  [1678470132.0363] dhcp4 (enp9s0): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop NetworkManager[1652]: [info]  [1678470132.0363] dhcp4 (enp9s0): state changed no lease
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop NetworkManager[1652]: [info]  [1678470132.0366] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_SITE
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop dbus-daemon[1359]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service' requested by ':1.18' (uid=0 pid=1652 comm="/usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon " label="unconfined")
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Requested transaction contradicts existing jobs: Transaction for NetworkManager-dispatcher.service/start is destructive (systemd-poweroff.service has 'start' job queued, but 'stop' is included in transaction).
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop dbus-daemon[1359]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service': Transaction for NetworkManager-dispatcher.service/start is destructive (systemd-poweroff.service has 'start' job queued, but 'stop' is included in transaction).
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop NetworkManager[1652]: [info]  [1678470132.0578] exiting (success)
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-resolved.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Network Name Resolution.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: NetworkManager.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Network Manager.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Basic System.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-ask-password-plymouth.path: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Preparation for Network.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Path Units.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: acpid.path: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped ACPI Events Check.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: apport-autoreport.path: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Process error reports when automatic reporting is enabled (file watch).
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: cups.path: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped CUPS Scheduler.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: whoopsie.path: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Start whoopsie on modification of the /var/crash directory.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Slice Units.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Removed slice User and Session Slice.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: user.slice: Consumed 1h 31min 14.284s CPU time.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Socket Units.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: acpid.socket: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Closed ACPID Listen Socket.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: avahi-daemon.socket: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Closed Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: cups.socket: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Closed CUPS Scheduler.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: docker.socket: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Closed Docker Socket for the API.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: pcscd.socket: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Closed PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Activation Socket.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snapd.socket: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Closed Socket activation for snappy daemon.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: syslog.socket: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Closed Syslog Socket.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: uuidd.socket: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Closed UUID daemon activation socket.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target System Initialization.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unset automount Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System Automount Point.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Local Encrypted Volumes.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-ask-password-wall.path: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Local Verity Protected Volumes.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-sysctl.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Apply Kernel Variables.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Load Kernel Modules.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Network Time Synchronization...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopping Record System Boot/Shutdown in UTMP...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-timesyncd.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Network Time Synchronization.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-update-utmp.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Record System Boot/Shutdown in UTMP.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Create Volatile Files and Directories.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Local File Systems.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Mounted snaps.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /boot/efi...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /run/credentials/systemd-sysusers.service...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /run/snapd/ns/cups.mnt...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /run/snapd/ns/firefox.mnt...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /run/snapd/ns/opera.mnt...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /run/snapd/ns/snap-store.mnt...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /run/snapd/ns/snapd-desktop-integration.mnt...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /run/snapd/ns/spotify.mnt...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for android-studio, revision 124...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for android-studio, revision 125...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for bare, revision 5...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for boxy-svg, revision 174...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for boxy-svg, revision 178...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for chromium, revision 2367...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for chromium, revision 2381...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for chromium-ffmpeg, revision 28...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for chromium-ffmpeg, revision 30...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for clickup, revision 9...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for code, revision 120...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for code, revision 121...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core, revision 14447...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core, revision 14784...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core18, revision 2697...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core18, revision 2708...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core20, revision 1822...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core20, revision 1828...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core22, revision 509...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core22, revision 522...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for cups, revision 836...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for cups, revision 872...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for evince, revision 1017...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for evince, revision 1020...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for figma-linux, revision 156...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for firefox, revision 2356...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for firefox, revision 2391...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gimp, revision 383...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gimp, revision 393...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for glaxnimate, revision 640...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for glaxnimate, revision 672...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gnome-3-28-1804, revision 161...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gnome-3-38-2004, revision 115...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gnome-3-38-2004, revision 119...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gtk2-common-themes, revision 13...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gtk-common-themes, revision 1534...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gtk-common-themes, revision 1535...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for hunspell-dictionaries-1-7-2004, revision 2...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for inkscape, revision 10521...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for inkscape, revision 10524...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-96-qt-5-15-5-core20, revision 7...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-98-qt-5-15-6-core20, revision 9...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-99-qt-5-15-7-core20, revision 11...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-99-qt-5-15-7-core20, revision 15...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-core18, revision 32...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-core18, revision 35...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-qt-5-15-3-core20, revision 8...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-qt-5-15-core20, revision 14...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kdenlive, revision 71...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kdenlive, revision 75...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kolourpaint, revision 70...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for kolourpaint, revision 77...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for opera, revision 221...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for opera, revision 222...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for p7zip-desktop, revision 220...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for snap-store, revision 599...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for snap-store, revision 638...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for snapd-desktop-integration, revision 43...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for snapd-desktop-integration, revision 49...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for spotify, revision 58...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for spotify, revision 60...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for sqlitebrowser, revision 3233...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for thunderbird, revision 294...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for thunderbird, revision 297...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for winbox, revision 101...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for winbox, revision 103...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for wine-platform-5-stable, revision 18...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for wine-platform-runtime, revision 337...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for wine-platform-runtime, revision 338...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for firefox, revision 1860 via mount-control...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-android\x2dstudio-124.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for android-studio, revision 124.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-android\x2dstudio-125.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for android-studio, revision 125.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-bare-5.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for bare, revision 5.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-boxy\x2dsvg-174.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for boxy-svg, revision 174.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-boxy\x2dsvg-178.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for boxy-svg, revision 178.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-chromium-2367.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for chromium, revision 2367.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-chromium-2381.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for chromium, revision 2381.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-chromium\x2dffmpeg-28.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for chromium-ffmpeg, revision 28.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-chromium\x2dffmpeg-30.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for chromium-ffmpeg, revision 30.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-clickup-9.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for clickup, revision 9.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-code-120.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for code, revision 120.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-code-121.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for code, revision 121.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-core-14447.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core, revision 14447.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-core-14784.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core, revision 14784.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-core18-2697.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core18, revision 2697.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-core18-2708.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core18, revision 2708.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-core20-1822.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core20, revision 1822.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-core20-1828.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core20, revision 1828.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-core22-509.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core22, revision 509.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-core22-522.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core22, revision 522.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-cups-836.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for cups, revision 836.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-cups-872.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for cups, revision 872.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-evince-1017.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for evince, revision 1017.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-evince-1020.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for evince, revision 1020.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-figma\x2dlinux-156.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for figma-linux, revision 156.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-firefox-2356.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for firefox, revision 2356.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-firefox-2391.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for firefox, revision 2391.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-gimp-383.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gimp, revision 383.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-gimp-393.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gimp, revision 393.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-glaxnimate-640.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for glaxnimate, revision 640.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-glaxnimate-672.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for glaxnimate, revision 672.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d28\x2d1804-161.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gnome-3-28-1804, revision 161.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d38\x2d2004-115.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gnome-3-38-2004, revision 115.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d38\x2d2004-119.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gnome-3-38-2004, revision 119.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-gtk2\x2dcommon\x2dthemes-13.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gtk2-common-themes, revision 13.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-gtk\x2dcommon\x2dthemes-1534.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gtk-common-themes, revision 1534.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-gtk\x2dcommon\x2dthemes-1535.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gtk-common-themes, revision 1535.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-hunspell\x2ddictionaries\x2d1\x2d7\x2d2004-2.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for hunspell-dictionaries-1-7-2004, revision 2.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-inkscape-10521.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for inkscape, revision 10521.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-inkscape-10524.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for inkscape, revision 10524.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kde\x2dframeworks\x2d5\x2d96\x2dqt\x2d5\x2d15\x2d5\x2dcore20-7.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-96-qt-5-15-5-core20, revision 7.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-credentials-systemd\x2dsysusers.service.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/credentials/systemd-sysusers.service.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kde\x2dframeworks\x2d5\x2d98\x2dqt\x2d5\x2d15\x2d6\x2dcore20-9.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-98-qt-5-15-6-core20, revision 9.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kde\x2dframeworks\x2d5\x2d99\x2dqt\x2d5\x2d15\x2d7\x2dcore20-11.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-99-qt-5-15-7-core20, revision 11.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kde\x2dframeworks\x2d5\x2d99\x2dqt\x2d5\x2d15\x2d7\x2dcore20-15.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-99-qt-5-15-7-core20, revision 15.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kde\x2dframeworks\x2d5\x2dcore18-32.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-core18, revision 32.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kde\x2dframeworks\x2d5\x2dcore18-35.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-core18, revision 35.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kde\x2dframeworks\x2d5\x2dqt\x2d5\x2d15\x2d3\x2dcore20-8.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-qt-5-15-3-core20, revision 8.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kde\x2dframeworks\x2d5\x2dqt\x2d5\x2d15\x2dcore20-14.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kde-frameworks-5-qt-5-15-core20, revision 14.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kdenlive-71.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kdenlive, revision 71.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kdenlive-75.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kdenlive, revision 75.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kolourpaint-70.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kolourpaint, revision 70.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-kolourpaint-77.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for kolourpaint, revision 77.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-opera-221.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for opera, revision 221.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-opera-222.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for opera, revision 222.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-p7zip\x2ddesktop-220.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for p7zip-desktop, revision 220.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-snap\x2dstore-599.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for snap-store, revision 599.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-snap\x2dstore-638.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for snap-store, revision 638.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-snapd\x2ddesktop\x2dintegration-43.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for snapd-desktop-integration, revision 43.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-snapd\x2ddesktop\x2dintegration-49.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for snapd-desktop-integration, revision 49.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-spotify-58.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for spotify, revision 58.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-spotify-60.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for spotify, revision 60.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-sqlitebrowser-3233.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for sqlitebrowser, revision 3233.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-thunderbird-294.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for thunderbird, revision 294.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-thunderbird-297.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for thunderbird, revision 297.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-winbox-101.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for winbox, revision 101.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-winbox-103.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for winbox, revision 103.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-wine\x2dplatform\x2d5\x2dstable-18.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for wine-platform-5-stable, revision 18.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-wine\x2dplatform\x2druntime-337.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for wine-platform-runtime, revision 337.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: snap-wine\x2dplatform\x2druntime-338.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for wine-platform-runtime, revision 338.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: var-snap-firefox-common-host\x2dhunspell.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for firefox, revision 1860 via mount-control.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Mounting snaps.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-snapd-ns-cups.mnt.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/snapd/ns/cups.mnt.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: boot-efi.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /boot/efi.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-snapd-ns-firefox.mnt.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/snapd/ns/firefox.mnt.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-snapd-ns-opera.mnt.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/snapd/ns/opera.mnt.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-snapd-ns-snap\x2dstore.mnt.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/snapd/ns/snap-store.mnt.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-snapd-ns-snapd\x2ddesktop\x2dintegration.mnt.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/snapd/ns/snapd-desktop-integration.mnt.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-3900\x2d62E0.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/3900-62E0.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Removed slice Slice /system/systemd-fsck.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-snapd-ns-spotify.mnt.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/snapd/ns/spotify.mnt.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounting /run/snapd/ns...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: run-snapd-ns.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/snapd/ns.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Preparation for Local File Systems.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped target Swaps.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Deactivating swap /swapfile...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Create Static Device Nodes in /dev.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-sysusers.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Create System Users.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: swapfile.swap: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Deactivated swap /swapfile.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Reached target Unmount All Filesystems.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-remount-fs.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Stopped Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Reached target System Shutdown.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Reached target Late Shutdown Services.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: systemd-poweroff.service: Deactivated successfully.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Finished System Power Off.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Reached target System Power Off.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd[1]: Shutting down.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd-shutdown[1]: Syncing filesystems and block devices.
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd-shutdown[1]: Sending SIGTERM to remaining processes...
    mar 10 18:42:12 user-desktop systemd-journald[561]: Journal stopped

    V tomto formuláři můžete formulovat svou stížnost ohledně příspěvku. Nejprve vyberte typ akce, kterou navrhujete provést s diskusí či příspěvkem. Potom do textového pole napište důvody, proč by měli admini provést vaši žádost, problém nemusí být patrný na první pohled. Odkaz na příspěvek bude přidán automaticky.

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    ISSN 1214-1267
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