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    dnes 15:11 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána (𝕏) nová verze 9.5 z Debianu vycházející linuxové distribuce DietPi pro (nejenom) jednodeskové počítače. Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání.

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    dnes 11:44 | IT novinky

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    dnes 01:22 | IT novinky

    Do 17. června do 19:00 běží na Steamu přehlídka nadcházejících her Festival Steam Next | červen 2024 doplněná demoverzemi, přenosy a dalšími aktivitami. Demoverze lze hrát zdarma.

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    včera 22:33 | IT novinky

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    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 7
    včera 21:44 | Nová verze

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    sonicpp | Komentářů: 1
    včera 15:00 | Nová verze

    Po po téměř roce vývoje od vydání verze 5.38 byla vydána nová stabilní verze 5.40 programovacího jazyka Perl (Wikipedie). Do vývoje se zapojilo 75 vývojářů. Změněno bylo přibližně 160 tisíc řádků v 1 500 souborech. Přehled novinek a změn v podrobném seznamu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 7
    včera 12:00 | Zajímavý článek

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    včera 08:44 | Zajímavý software

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    Fluttershy, yay! | Komentářů: 2
    včera 02:22 | Nová verze

    Po dvou měsících vývoje byla vydána nová verze 0.13.0 programovacího jazyka Zig (GitHub, Wikipedie). Přispělo 73 vývojářů. Přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    8.6. 17:55 | Komunita

    Na čem aktuálně pracují vývojáři GNOME a KDE? Pravidelný přehled novinek v Týden v GNOME a Týden v KDE.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 11

    Dotaz: Problem ffmpeg-php

    24.7.2008 19:34 Michal
    Problem ffmpeg-php
    Přečteno: 511×
    Ahoj, mam problem zkompilovat ffmpeg-php na centos 4.6

    Zkompiloval jsem posledni ffmpeg(svn) verze + php 4.4.8

    ffmpeg-php hlasi tyto chyby pri make
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- In function `PHP_METHOD':
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `this_ptr' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `return_value' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- At top level:
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: return type defaults to `int'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- In function `PHP_METHOD':
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `this_ptr' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `return_value' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- At top level:
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: return type defaults to `int'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- In function `PHP_METHOD':
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `this_ptr' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `return_value' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- At top level:
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: return type defaults to `int'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- In function `PHP_METHOD':
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `this_ptr' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `return_value' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- At top level:
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: return type defaults to `int'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- In function `PHP_METHOD':
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `this_ptr' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `return_value' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- At top level:
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: return type defaults to `int'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- In function `PHP_METHOD':
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `this_ptr' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `return_value' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- In function `_php_get_ff_frame':
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `img_copy' is deprecated (declared at /usr/local/include/libavcodec/avcodec.h:2965)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- At top level:
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: return type defaults to `int'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- In function `PHP_METHOD':
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `ht' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `this_ptr' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `return_value' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `return_value_used' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- At top level:
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: return type defaults to `int'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- In function `PHP_METHOD':
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `ht' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `this_ptr' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `return_value' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `return_value_used' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- At top level:
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: return type defaults to `int'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: redefinition of 'PHP_METHOD'
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: previous definition of 'PHP_METHOD' was here
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- In function `PHP_METHOD':
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `this_ptr' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- error: `return_value' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    /root/install/ffmpeg-php- warning: `return' with no value, in function returning non-void
    make: *** [ffmpeg_movie.lo] Error 1
    Zkousel jsem ruzna verze ffmpeg-php a uz nevim kde by mohl by problem?


    24.7.2008 19:52 Käyttäjä 11133 | skóre: 58 | blog: Ajattelee menneisyyttä
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Problem ffmpeg-php
    Nechybí ti nějaký devel balík? něco jako php-devel, nebo tak?
    24.7.2008 20:00 Michal
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Problem ffmpeg-php
    php jsem kompiloval ze zdrojaku, takze php-devel to urcite nebude

    Založit nové vláknoNahoru

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