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    včera 23:55 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová stabilní verze 24.05 linuxové distribuce NixOS (Wikipedie). Její kódové označení je Uakari. Podrobný přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání. O balíčky se v NixOS stará správce balíčků Nix.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 17:33 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 1.48.0 sady nástrojů pro správu síťových připojení NetworkManager. Novinkám se v příspěvku na blogu NetworkManageru věnuje Fernando F. Mancera. Mimo jiné se v nastavení místo mac-address-blacklist nově používá mac-address-denylist.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 7
    včera 17:11 | Komunita

    Před 25 lety, 31. května 1999, započal vývoj grafického editoru Krita (Wikipedie). Tenkrát ještě pod názvem KImageShop a později pod názvem Krayon.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 3
    včera 12:55 | Nová verze

    Farid Abdelnour se v příspěvku na blogu rozepsal o novinkám v nejnovější verzi 24.05.0 editoru videa Kdenlive (Wikipedie). Ke stažení brzy také na Flathubu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 11:22 | Zajímavý článek

    David Revoy, autor mj. komiksu Pepper&Carrot, se rozepsal o své aktuální grafické pracovní stanici: Debian 12 Bookworm, okenní systém X11, KDE Plasma 5.27, …

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 6
    30.5. 22:44 | Nová verze

    Wayland (Wikipedie) byl vydán ve verzi 1.23.0. Z novinek lze vypíchnout podporu OpenBSD.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    30.5. 21:22 | Zajímavý článek

    Craig Loewen na blogu Microsoftu představil novinky ve Windows Subsystému pro Linux (WSL). Vypíchnout lze GUI aplikaci pro nastavování WSL nebo správu WSL z Dev Home.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    30.5. 12:44 | Pozvánky

    V sobotu 1. června lze navštívit Maker Faire Ostrava, festival plný workshopů, interaktivních činností a především nadšených a zvídavých lidí.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    30.5. 12:22 | Nová verze

    Webový server Caddy (Wikipedie) s celou řadou zajímavých vlastností byl vydán ve verzi 2.8 (𝕏). Přehled novinek na GitHubu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 13
    29.5. 22:11 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána verze 3.0 (@, 𝕏) svobodného softwaru HAProxy (The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer; Wikipedie) řešícího vysokou dostupnost, vyvažování zátěže a reverzní proxy. Detailní přehled novinek v příspěvku na blogu společnosti HAProxy Technologies.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 7
    Podle hypotézy Mrtvý Internet mj. tvoří většinu online interakcí boti.
    Celkem 1066 hlasů
     Komentářů: 17, poslední včera 15:31

    Nokia E52

    Technické parametry

    Rozměry 116 x 49 x 9,9 mm, hmotnost 98 g
    Displej 2,4", 240 x 320 pixelů (QVGA), 16 milionů barev, TFT
    Konektory USB, sluchátkový 3,5 mm
    Karta microSD, podpora až 16 GB
    Baterie Li-ion/Li-Polymer 1 500 mAh
    GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
    GPRS, EGSM, WCDMA, HSDPA: až 10,2 Mbit/s
    WLAN 802.11 b/g
    Bluetooth 2.0 EDR, A2DP
    Podpora UPnP
    Síťový tisk Raw, LPR (RFC1179)
    Videohovory (VGA), SIP VoIP 3.0
    Převod textu na řeč pro čtení zpráv
    IMAP4 (SSL/TLS), Nokia Messaging, Microsoft ActiveSync, POP3, SMTP
    A-GPS s kompasem, Nokia Mapy

    Identifikace pod Linuxem

    Bus 001 Device 009: ID 0421:01d0 Nokia Mobile Phones 
    Device Descriptor:
      bLength                18
      bDescriptorType         1
      bcdUSB               2.00
      bDeviceClass            2 Communications
      bDeviceSubClass         0 
      bDeviceProtocol         0 
      bMaxPacketSize0        64
      idVendor           0x0421 Nokia Mobile Phones
      idProduct          0x01d0 
      bcdDevice            1.00
      iManufacturer           1 Nokia
      iProduct                2 E52
      iSerial                 3 355359041623159
      bNumConfigurations      1
      Configuration Descriptor:
        bLength                 9
        bDescriptorType         2
        wTotalLength          487
        bNumInterfaces         16
        bConfigurationValue     1
        iConfiguration          4 Bulk transfer method configuration
        bmAttributes         0x80
          (Bus Powered)
        MaxPower              500mA
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        0
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           3
          bInterfaceClass       255 Vendor Specific Class
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              6 MTP
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x81  EP 1 IN
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x01  EP 1 OUT
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x82  EP 2 IN
            bmAttributes            3
              Transfer Type            Interrupt
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0040  1x 64 bytes
            bInterval               3
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        1
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           1
          bInterfaceClass         2 Communications
          bInterfaceSubClass      2 Abstract (modem)
          bInterfaceProtocol      1 AT-commands (v.25ter)
          iInterface              7 CDC Comms Interface
          CDC Header:
            bcdCDC               1.00
          CDC ACM:
            bmCapabilities       0x0f
              connection notifications
              sends break
              line coding and serial state
              get/set/clear comm features
          CDC Union:
            bMasterInterface        1
            bSlaveInterface         2 
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x83  EP 3 IN
            bmAttributes            3
              Transfer Type            Interrupt
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0040  1x 64 bytes
            bInterval               8
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        2
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           2
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              8 CDC Data Interface
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x84  EP 4 IN
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x02  EP 2 OUT
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        3
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           1
          bInterfaceClass         2 Communications
          bInterfaceSubClass      2 Abstract (modem)
          bInterfaceProtocol    255 Vendor Specific (MSFT RNDIS?)
          iInterface              9 CDC Comms Interface
          CDC Header:
            bcdCDC               1.00
          CDC ACM:
            bmCapabilities       0x0f
              connection notifications
              sends break
              line coding and serial state
              get/set/clear comm features
          CDC Union:
            bMasterInterface        3
            bSlaveInterface         4 
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x85  EP 5 IN
            bmAttributes            3
              Transfer Type            Interrupt
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0040  1x 64 bytes
            bInterval               8
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        4
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           2
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface             10 CDC Data Interface
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x86  EP 6 IN
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x03  EP 3 OUT
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        5
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           0
          bInterfaceClass         2 Communications
          bInterfaceSubClass      8 Wireless Handset Control
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              0 
          CDC Header:
            bcdCDC               1.10
          CDC WHCM:
            bcdVersion           1.00
          CDC Union:
            bMasterInterface        5
            bSlaveInterface         6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        6
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           0
          bInterfaceClass         2 Communications
          bInterfaceSubClass     11 OBEX
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface             11 SYNCML-SYNC
          CDC Header:
            bcdCDC               1.10
          CDC OBEX:
            bcdVersion           1.00
          CDC Union:
            bMasterInterface        6
            bSlaveInterface         7 
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        7
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           0
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              0 
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        7
          bAlternateSetting       1
          bNumEndpoints           2
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              0 
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x87  EP 7 IN
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x04  EP 4 OUT
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        8
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           0
          bInterfaceClass         2 Communications
          bInterfaceSubClass     11 OBEX
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface             12 PC Suite Services
          CDC Header:
            bcdCDC               1.10
          CDC OBEX:
            bcdVersion           1.00
          CDC Union:
            bMasterInterface        8
            bSlaveInterface         9 
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        9
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           0
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              0 
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        9
          bAlternateSetting       1
          bNumEndpoints           2
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              0 
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x88  EP 8 IN
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x05  EP 5 OUT
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber       10
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           0
          bInterfaceClass         2 Communications
          bInterfaceSubClass     11 OBEX
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface             13 SYNCML-DM
          CDC Header:
            bcdCDC               1.10
          CDC OBEX:
            bcdVersion           1.00
          CDC Union:
            bMasterInterface        10
            bSlaveInterface         11 
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber       11
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           0
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              0 
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber       11
          bAlternateSetting       1
          bNumEndpoints           2
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              0 
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x89  EP 9 IN
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x06  EP 6 OUT
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber       12
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           0
          bInterfaceClass         2 Communications
          bInterfaceSubClass    254 
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface             14 UsbPnComm
          CDC Header:
            bcdCDC               10.01
          UNRECOGNIZED CDC:  03 24 ab
          CDC Union:
            bMasterInterface        12
            bSlaveInterface         13 
          UNRECOGNIZED CDC:  04 24 fd 00
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber       13
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           0
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface             15 UsbPnDataAlt0
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber       13
          bAlternateSetting       1
          bNumEndpoints           2
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface             16 UsbPnDataAlt1
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x8a  EP 10 IN
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x07  EP 7 OUT
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber       14
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           0
          bInterfaceClass         2 Communications
          bInterfaceSubClass    253 
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface             17 LCIF_Alt0
          CDC Header:
            bcdCDC               1.10
          UNRECOGNIZED CDC:  05 24 fc 00 01
          CDC Union:
            bMasterInterface        14
            bSlaveInterface         15 
          UNRECOGNIZED CDC:  04 24 fd 00
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber       15
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           0
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              0 
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber       15
          bAlternateSetting       1
          bNumEndpoints           2
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              0 
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x8b  EP 11 IN
            bmAttributes            3
              Transfer Type            Interrupt
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval               6
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x08  EP 8 OUT
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber       15
          bAlternateSetting       2
          bNumEndpoints           2
          bInterfaceClass        10 CDC Data
          bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
          bInterfaceProtocol      0 
          iInterface              0 
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x8b  EP 11 IN
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x08  EP 8 OUT
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0200  1x 512 bytes
            bInterval             255
    Device Qualifier (for other device speed):
      bLength                10
      bDescriptorType         6
      bcdUSB               2.00
      bDeviceClass          255 Vendor Specific Class
      bDeviceSubClass       255 Vendor Specific Subclass
      bDeviceProtocol       255 Vendor Specific Protocol
      bMaxPacketSize0        64
      bNumConfigurations      1
    Device Status:     0x0000
      (Bus Powered)
    cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
    T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#=  9 Spd=480 MxCh= 0
    D:  Ver= 2.00 Cls=02(comm.) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=64 #Cfgs=  1
    P:  Vendor=0421 ProdID=01d0 Rev= 1.00
    S:  Manufacturer=Nokia
    S:  Product=E52
    S:  SerialNumber=355359041623159
    C:* #Ifs=16 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr=500mA
    I:* If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 3 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
    E:  Ad=01(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=31875us
    E:  Ad=82(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=  64 Ivl=500us
    I:* If#= 1 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=02(comm.) Sub=02 Prot=01 Driver=(none)
    E:  Ad=83(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=  64 Ivl=16ms
    I:* If#= 2 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    E:  Ad=84(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
    E:  Ad=02(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=31875us
    I:* If#= 3 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=02(comm.) Sub=02 Prot=ff Driver=(none)
    E:  Ad=85(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=  64 Ivl=16ms
    I:* If#= 4 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    E:  Ad=86(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
    E:  Ad=03(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=31875us
    I:* If#= 5 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=02(comm.) Sub=08 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    I:* If#= 6 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=02(comm.) Sub=0b Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    I:* If#= 7 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    I:  If#= 7 Alt= 1 #EPs= 2 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    E:  Ad=87(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
    E:  Ad=04(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=31875us
    I:* If#= 8 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=02(comm.) Sub=0b Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    I:* If#= 9 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    I:  If#= 9 Alt= 1 #EPs= 2 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    E:  Ad=88(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
    E:  Ad=05(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=31875us
    I:* If#=10 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=02(comm.) Sub=0b Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    I:* If#=11 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    I:  If#=11 Alt= 1 #EPs= 2 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    E:  Ad=89(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
    E:  Ad=06(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=31875us
    I:* If#=12 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=02(comm.) Sub=fe Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    I:* If#=13 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    I:  If#=13 Alt= 1 #EPs= 2 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    E:  Ad=8a(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
    E:  Ad=07(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=31875us
    I:* If#=14 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=02(comm.) Sub=fd Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    I:* If#=15 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    I:  If#=15 Alt= 1 #EPs= 2 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    E:  Ad=8b(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS= 512 Ivl=4ms
    E:  Ad=08(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=31875us
    I:  If#=15 Alt= 2 #EPs= 2 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
    E:  Ad=8b(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
    E:  Ad=08(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=31875us
    usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 10
    usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0421, idProduct=01cd
    usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
    usb 1-1: Product: E52
    usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Nokia
    usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 355359041623159
    scsi4 : usb-storage 1-1:1.0
    scsi 4:0:0:0: Direct-Access     Nokia    S60              1.0  PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
    sd 4:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg7 type 0
    sd 4:0:0:0: [sdg] Attached SCSI removable disk
    sd 4:0:0:0: [sdg] 3911680 512-byte logical blocks: (2.00 GB/1.86 GiB)
    sd 4:0:0:0: [sdg] Assuming drive cache: write through
    sd 4:0:0:0: [sdg] Assuming drive cache: write through
    /dev/sdg on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,uid=1000,utf8,shortname=mixed,flush)
    hcitool info 94:20:53:EC:62:6C
    Requesting information ...
            BD Address:  94:20:53:EC:62:6C
            OUI Company: Nokia Corporation (94-20-53)
            Device Name: Nokia E52
            LMP Version: 2.1 (0x4) LMP Subversion: 0x410b
            Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15)
            Features: 0xbf 0xee 0x0f 0xce 0x98 0x39 0x00 0x00
                    [3-slot packets] [5-slot packets] [encryption] [slot offset] 
                    [timing accuracy] [role switch] [sniff mode] [RSSI] 
                    [channel quality] [SCO link] [HV3 packets] [u-law log] 
                    [A-law log] [CVSD] [paging scheme] [power control] 
                    [transparent SCO] [EDR ACL 2 Mbps] [EDR ACL 3 Mbps] 
                    [enhanced iscan] [inquiry with RSSI] [extended SCO] 
                    [AFH cap. slave] [AFH class. slave] [3-slot EDR ACL] 
                    [5-slot EDR ACL] [AFH cap. master] [AFH class. master] 
                    [EDR eSCO 2 Mbps] 

    Postup zprovoznění pod Linuxem

    Pomocí programu Series60-Remote se dají editovat kontakty a posílat zprávy.


    Nokia E52, obrázek 1

    Dokument vytvořil: hufhendr, 29.1.2011 23:41 | Zobrazeno: 1653×

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