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    včera 20:55 | IT novinky

    IKEA ve Spojeném království hledá zaměstnance do své nové pobočky. Do pobočky v počítačové hře Roblox. Nástupní mzda je 13,15 liber na hodinu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 10:44 | Zajímavý článek

    Alyssa Rosenzweig se v příspěvku na svém blogu Vulkan 1.3 na M1 za 1 měsíc rozepsala o novém Vulkan 1.3 ovladači Honeykrisp pro Apple M1 splňujícím specifikaci Khronosu. Vychází z ovladače NVK pro GPU od Nvidie. V plánu je dále rozchodit DXVK a vkd3d-proton a tím pádem Direct3D, aby na Apple M1 s Asahi Linuxem běžely hry pro Microsoft Windows.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 21
    včera 01:00 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána (𝕏) květnová aktualizace aneb nová verze 1.90 editoru zdrojových kódů Visual Studio Code (Wikipedie). Přehled novinek i s náhledy a animovanými gify v poznámkách k vydání. Ve verzi 1.90 vyjde také VSCodium, tj. komunitní sestavení Visual Studia Code bez telemetrie a licenčních podmínek Microsoftu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 00:44 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána (Mastodon, 𝕏) nová verze 2024.2 linuxové distribuce navržené pro digitální forenzní analýzu a penetrační testování Kali Linux (Wikipedie). Přehled novinek se seznamem nových nástrojů v oficiálním oznámení.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    5.6. 16:44 | IT novinky

    Počítačová hra Tetris slaví 40 let. Alexej Pažitnov dokončil první hratelnou verzi 6. června 1984. Mezitím vznikla celá řada variant. Například Peklo nebo Nebe. Loni měl premiéru film Tetris.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 10
    5.6. 10:44 | Nová verze

    MicroPython (Wikipedie), tj. implementace Pythonu 3 optimalizovaná pro jednočipové počítače, byl vydán ve verzi 1.23.0. V přehledu novinek je vypíchnuta podpora dynamických USB zařízení nebo nové moduly openamp, tls a vfs.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    5.6. 10:22 | Nová verze

    Canonical vydal Ubuntu Core 24. Představení na YouTube. Nová verze Ubuntu Core vychází z Ubuntu 24.04 LTS a podporována bude 12 let. Ubuntu Core je určeno pro IoT (internet věcí) a vestavěné systémy.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    5.6. 01:00 | Nová verze Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    4.6. 19:55 | IT novinky

    Intel na veletrhu Computex 2024 představil (YouTube) mimo jiné procesory Lunar Lake a Xeon 6.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    4.6. 13:44 | IT novinky

    Na blogu Raspberry Pi byl představen Raspberry Pi AI Kit určený vlastníkům Raspberry Pi 5, kteří na něm chtějí experimentovat se světem neuronových sítí, umělé inteligence a strojového učení. Jedná se o spolupráci se společností Hailo. Cena AI Kitu je 70 dolarů.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0

    Dotaz: Co chce presne Kaffeine?

    12.12.2019 19:28 Mota
    Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Přečteno: 1828×
    Pouzivam Fedoru 31, Mam nainstalovane snad vsechny gstreamer pluginy z rpmfusion jako bad, ugly, libav, ffmpeg i ffmpeg balik ale porad neco Kaffeinu chybi
    $ kaffeine
    12-12-19 19:13:19.978 [Info    ] kaffeine.dvb: Using built-in dvb device manager
    12-12-19 19:13:20.136 [Info    ] Found dvb device : Silicon Labs Si2168
    [00007ff83c0f3b20] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007ff83c032e70] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    [00007ff83c032e70] avcodec decoder: Using NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  440.36  Tue Nov 12 08:08:10 UTC 2019 for hardware decoding
    [00007ff83c032e70] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff82c072100] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff82c072100] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff82c082440] Could not find ref with POC 28
    [00007ff83c032e70] avcodec decoder error: avcodec_send_packet critical error
    Mpeg4GASpecificConfig: error 1
    [00007ff7c10bf1c0] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007ff7c1011740] avcodec decoder: Using NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  440.36  Tue Nov 12 08:08:10 UTC 2019 for hardware decoding
    [00007ff7c1011740] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    [00007ff7c1011740] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff85005bcc0] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff85005bcc0] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff85006c140] Could not find ref with POC -92
    [00007ff7c1011740] avcodec decoder error: avcodec_send_packet critical error
    [00007ff82d0bf1c0] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007ff82d011740] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    [00007ff82d011740] avcodec decoder: Using NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  440.36  Tue Nov 12 08:08:10 UTC 2019 for hardware decoding
    [00007ff82d011740] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff7c1057bc0] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff7c1057bc0] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff7c1068440] Could not find ref with POC 36
    [00007ff82d011740] avcodec decoder error: avcodec_send_packet critical error
    Mpeg4GASpecificConfig: error 1
    [00007ff82827bb60] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007ff8282a1ec0] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    [00007ff8282a1ec0] avcodec decoder: Using NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  440.36  Tue Nov 12 08:08:10 UTC 2019 for hardware decoding
    [00007ff8282a1ec0] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff82d0895c0] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff82d0895c0] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [00007ff8282a1ec0] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff82d030980] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff82d030980] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7ff82d041240] Could not find ref with POC -30
    [hevc @ 0x7ff82d041240] Could not find ref with POC -28
    [00007ff8282a1ec0] avcodec decoder error: avcodec_send_packet critical error
    Mpeg4GASpecificConfig: error 1
    Mpeg4GASpecificConfig: error 1
    [00007ff82827bb60] mpeg4audio packetizer error: latm sub frames not yet supported, please send a sample
    Poustim treba ct-sport hd a obraz i zvuk chvili hraje a pak se to sekne a hraje uz jen zvuk

    Řešení dotazu:


    k3dAR avatar 12.12.2019 20:49 k3dAR | skóre: 62
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    kaffeine jsem naposledy pouzival v puvodni(~KDE3) generaci a jeste s analogovym tv tuner, ale kdyz vidim vystup, zkusil bych jak se to chova kdyz odinstalujes uzavrenej ovladac a pustis pres open nouveau
    porad nemam telo, ale uz mam hlavu... nobody
    12.12.2019 21:56 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Po odinstalaci vseho *nvidia* to hraje taky ale nouveau tam nechci ;-)
    $ kaffeine
    12-12-19 21:51:41.475 [Info    ] kaffeine.dvb: Using built-in dvb device manager
    12-12-19 21:51:41.899 [Info    ] Found dvb device : Silicon Labs Si2168
    Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
    12-12-19 21:51:42.249 [Warning ] The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.ChromeGnomeShell.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line
    12-12-19 21:51:42.249 [Warning ] kf5.kservice.sycoca: Invalid Service :  "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.ChromeGnomeShell.desktop"
    [00007f22140f1890] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007f2214032ea0] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    libva info: VA-API version 1.6.0
    libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/
    libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_6
    libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
    [00007f21f0004f00] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaDeriveImage: operation failed
    [00007f21ec028b30] main video output error: video output creation failed
    [00007f2214032ea0] main decoder error: failed to create video output
    [00007f2214032ea0] avcodec decoder: Using G3DVL VDPAU Driver Shared Library version 1.0 for hardware decoding
    [hevc @ 0x7f21fc008c40] Failed setup for format vdpau: hwaccel initialisation returned error.
    [00007f2214032ea0] avcodec decoder error: existing hardware acceleration cannot be reused
    libva info: VA-API version 1.6.0
    libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/
    libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_6
    libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
    [00007f21f066ba70] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaDeriveImage: operation failed
    libva info: VA-API version 1.6.0
    libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/
    libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_6
    libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
    [00007f21f0004f00] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaDeriveImage: operation failed
    [00007f21ec1c6fe0] main video output error: video output creation failed
    [00007f2214032ea0] main decoder error: failed to create video output
    12.12.2019 20:54 PetebLazar
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    To vypada na problém s HW dekódováním v GPU (API VDPAU).

    Funguje Kaffeine při vyhnutí se HW dekódování? Před spuštěním Kaffeine z příkazové řádky, exportem promměnné VPDAU_DRIVER zábranit použití VDPAU. export VDPAU_DRIVER=none

    Mě Kaffeine DVB-T2(HEVC) funguje (Geforce 1660Ti + proprietary 430.50).
    12.12.2019 21:41 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    export VDPAU_DRIVER=none
    Ano, pote to hraje plynule ackoliv vyplivne tohle
    $ export VDPAU_DRIVER=none
    [mota@localhost ~]$ kaffeine
    12-12-19 21:37:45.834 [Info    ] kaffeine.dvb: Using built-in dvb device manager
    12-12-19 21:37:46.002 [Info    ] Found dvb device : Silicon Labs Si2168
    [00007fd7040f3b20] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007fd704032e70] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    [hevc @ 0x7fd6f40b3340] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7fd6f40b3340] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7fd6f40c3c40] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7fd6f40c3c40] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [mota@localhost ~]$
    12.12.2019 22:26 Peter Golis | skóre: 64 | blog: Bežné záležitosti | Bratislava
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    A nedá sa v tpm kaffeine prepnúť video výstup z automatiky na nečo ako XVMC alebo GL aby to nebralo VPDAU?
    12.12.2019 22:37 PetebLazar
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Changing the libVLC output plugin By default, libVLC will try to use hardware acceleration on the machine with Kaffeine, with obviously with won't work via remote access. It may also not detect properly the best video output plugin for some hardware settings.

    For such scenarios, you may try to change the arguments passed to libVLC via the Settings --> Configure Kaffeine --> libVLC, changing the libVLC arguments to:

    --no-video-title-show -V xcb_glx or:

    --no-video-title-show -V xcb_xv

    14.12.2019 07:21 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    xcb glx
    $ kaffeine 
    13-12-19 23:12:01.417 [Info    ] kaffeine.dvb: Using built-in dvb device manager
    13-12-19 23:12:01.574 [Info    ] Found dvb device : Silicon Labs Si2168
    [00007f981c0f3b20] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007f981c032e70] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    [00007f981c032e70] avcodec decoder: Using NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  440.36  Tue Nov 12 08:08:10 UTC 2019 for hardware decoding
    [00007f981c032e70] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f980c055ec0] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f980c055ec0] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f980c066540] Could not find ref with POC 28
    [00007f981c032e70] avcodec decoder error: avcodec_send_packet critical error
    Mpeg4GASpecificConfig: error 1
    xcb xv
    $ kaffeine 
    13-12-19 23:10:04.254 [Info    ] kaffeine.dvb: Using built-in dvb device manager
    13-12-19 23:10:04.416 [Info    ] Found dvb device : Silicon Labs Si2168
    [00007f59700f3b20] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007f5970032e70] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    [00007f5970032e70] avcodec decoder: Using NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  440.36  Tue Nov 12 08:08:10 UTC 2019 for hardware decoding
    [00007f5970032e70] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f595c06d0c0] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f595c06d0c0] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f595c07d540] Could not find ref with POC 108
    [00007f5970032e70] avcodec decoder error: avcodec_send_packet critical error
    Mpeg4GASpecificConfig: error 1
    Jinak jsem zkousel downgrade na nvidii 435.21 ale nechce se po restartu nacist modul. Instaloval jsem jinak stejne baliky jako u te novejsi verze.
    14.12.2019 14:29 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Da se prepnout do $ export VDPAU_DRIVER=nouveau
    $ kaffeine 
    14-12-19 14:23:04.775 [Info    ] kaffeine.dvb: Using built-in dvb device manager
    14-12-19 14:23:04.933 [Info    ] Found dvb device : Silicon Labs Si2168
    [00007f4ff4032e70] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    [00007f4ff40f3290] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    [00007f4ff40f3b20] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [hevc @ 0x7f4fe40b2340] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f4fe40b2340] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f4fe400a0c0] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f4fe400a0c0] thread_get_buffer() failed
    Pak to hraje (a to i bez aktivovaneho nouveau ovladace) jako v pripade $ export VDPAU_DRIVER=none s tim rozdilem ze u none to hazi chybu s tim vdpau
    $ kaffeine 
    14-12-19 14:26:06.778 [Info    ] kaffeine.dvb: Using built-in dvb device manager
    14-12-19 14:26:06.945 [Info    ] Found dvb device : Silicon Labs Si2168
    [00007fdb740f3b20] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007fdb74032e70] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Mpeg4GASpecificConfig: error 1
    [hevc @ 0x7fdb640c8640] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7fdb640c8640] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7fdb640d9040] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7fdb640d9040] thread_get_buffer() failed
    14.12.2019 18:24 Peter Golis | skóre: 64 | blog: Bežné záležitosti | Bratislava
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    A 4o driver pre OpenGL?
    PS: Tak som si dnes pozeral kam zmizol tento typ drivera pre Intel, ale GL mi stačí.
    14.12.2019 22:27 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    $ kaffeine 
    14-12-19 22:10:26.736 [Info    ] kaffeine.dvb: Using built-in dvb device manager
    14-12-19 22:10:26.900 [Info    ] Found dvb device : Silicon Labs Si2168
    [00007f71d80f3b20] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007f71d8032e70] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    libva info: VA-API version 1.6.0
    libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/
    libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_5
    ... repeat
    libva info: VA-API version 1.6.0
    libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/
    libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_5
    Maximum number of clients reachedlibva error: /usr/lib64/dri/ init failed
    libva info: va_openDriver() returns -1
    libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
    [00007f71b0005320] glconv_vdpau gl error: glVDPAUInitNV failed: 0x502
    [00007f71d8032e70] avcodec decoder: Using OpenGL/VAAPI backend for VDPAU for hardware decoding
    Mpeg4GASpecificConfig: error 1
    Vysledek je bez jakehokoliv obrazu ale jde zvuk, nicmene kaffeine na zavreni reaguje zamrznutim do doby nez vyskoci dialog na jeho sestreleni, do te doby nejde spustit ani task manager, jinak gnome-shell panel reaguje. Stale se bavim o CT hd (Praha).
    15.12.2019 10:53 Peter Golis | skóre: 64 | blog: Bežné záležitosti | Bratislava
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Tak to vyzerá na zaujímavý mix ovládačov. Tie binárne ovládače Nvidia asi naozaj nemajú podporu VDPAU, inak by tam boli riadky podobné týmto:
    $ vdpauinfo
    display: :0   screen: 0
    Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Error creating VDPAU device: 1
    $ VDPAU_DRIVER=va_gl vdpauinfo|head
    libva info: VA-API version 1.1.0
    libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
    libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_1
    libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
    display: :0   screen: 0
    API version: 1
    Information string: OpenGL/VAAPI backend for VDPAU
    Akurát pre Nvidia a nie pre Intel, ale to nevadí. Inak, zoznam knižníc pre VDPAU uvidíš asi v priečinku /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/vdpau/. Myslím že je tam Noveau, Radeon a GL.
    15.12.2019 15:41 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    ls /usr/lib64/vdpau/
    Hele jedu na vdpau_nouveau a na binarnich nvidia a jak jsem psal ty kanaly hrajou, sice ho hazi chybovy vystup ale hraje to bez nejakych artefaktu a nikde nic kvuli tomu nehuci, tak bych to uzavrel. Diky vsem za nakopnuti a za tu promennou ;-)
    16.12.2019 17:28 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Jeste jsem se dival na

    Takze jeste jsem pridal parametr --avcodec-hw=any do kaffeine (ktery tam mam stale le asi bude i implicitne zapnuty) a zkusil zase hru promennou VDPAU_DRIVER ale zadna zmena se nastala.
    14.12.2019 08:55 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Mě Kaffeine DVB-T2(HEVC) funguje (Geforce 1660Ti + proprietary 430.50).
    Hm, tak ja mam 1070, problem asi bude to 4:4:4 ktere asi pouzivaji kanaly CT, protoze jsem zjistil ze jine T2 kanaly hrajou normalne.
    # vdpauinfo 
    display: :1   screen: 0
    API version: 1
    Information string: NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  440.36  Tue Nov 12 08:08:10 UTC 2019
    Video surface:
    name   width height types
    420     8192  8192  NV12 YV12 
    422     8192  8192  UYVY YUYV 
    444     8192  8192  NV24 YV24 
    Decoder capabilities:
    name                        level macbs width height
    MPEG1                           0 65536  4096  4096
    MPEG2_SIMPLE                    3 65536  4096  4096
    MPEG2_MAIN                      3 65536  4096  4096
    H264_BASELINE                  51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_MAIN                      51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_HIGH                      51 65536  4096  4096
    VC1_SIMPLE                      1  8190  2048  2048
    VC1_MAIN                        2  8190  2048  2048
    VC1_ADVANCED                    4  8190  2048  2048
    MPEG4_PART2_SP                  3  8192  2048  2048
    MPEG4_PART2_ASP                 5  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX4_QMOBILE                   0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX4_MOBILE                    0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX4_HOME_THEATER              0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX4_HD_1080P                  0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX5_QMOBILE                   0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX5_MOBILE                    0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX5_HOME_THEATER              0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX5_HD_1080P                  0  8192  2048  2048
    H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE      51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_EXTENDED                  51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_PROGRESSIVE_HIGH          51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_CONSTRAINED_HIGH          51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_HIGH_444_PREDICTIVE       51 65536  4096  4096
    VP9_PROFILE_0                   1 262144  8192  8192
    VP9_PROFILE_1                  --- not supported ---
    VP9_PROFILE_2                  --- not supported ---
    VP9_PROFILE_3                  --- not supported ---
    HEVC_MAIN                      153 262144  8192  8192
    HEVC_MAIN_10                   --- not supported ---
    HEVC_MAIN_STILL                --- not supported ---
    HEVC_MAIN_12                   --- not supported ---
    HEVC_MAIN_444                  --- not supported ---
    Output surface:
    name              width height nat types
    B8G8R8A8         32768 32768    y  Y8U8V8A8 V8U8Y8A8 A4I4 I4A4 A8I8 I8A8 
    R10G10B10A2      32768 32768    y  Y8U8V8A8 V8U8Y8A8 A4I4 I4A4 A8I8 I8A8 
    Bitmap surface:
    name              width height
    B8G8R8A8         32768 32768
    R8G8B8A8         32768 32768
    R10G10B10A2      32768 32768
    B10G10R10A2      32768 32768
    A8               32768 32768
    Video mixer:
    feature name                    sup
    DEINTERLACE_TEMPORAL             y
    INVERSE_TELECINE                 y
    NOISE_REDUCTION                  y
    SHARPNESS                        y
    LUMA_KEY                         y
    HIGH QUALITY SCALING - L1        y
    HIGH QUALITY SCALING - L2        -
    HIGH QUALITY SCALING - L3        -
    HIGH QUALITY SCALING - L4        -
    HIGH QUALITY SCALING - L5        -
    HIGH QUALITY SCALING - L6        -
    HIGH QUALITY SCALING - L7        -
    HIGH QUALITY SCALING - L8        -
    HIGH QUALITY SCALING - L9        -
    parameter name                  sup      min      max
    VIDEO_SURFACE_WIDTH              y         1     8192
    VIDEO_SURFACE_HEIGHT             y         1     8192
    CHROMA_TYPE                      y  
    LAYERS                           y         0        4
    attribute name                  sup      min      max
    BACKGROUND_COLOR                 y  
    CSC_MATRIX                       y  
    NOISE_REDUCTION_LEVEL            y      0.00     1.00
    SHARPNESS_LEVEL                  y     -1.00     1.00
    LUMA_KEY_MIN_LUMA                y  
    LUMA_KEY_MAX_LUMA                y
    14.12.2019 18:54 PetebLazar
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    4:4:4 ??? Nebude to spíš 4:2:0. Přičemž rozdíl mezi ČT a ostatními je možná v tom, že ČT vysílá FullHD 1920x1080, zatímco ostatní 960x540 v nižším Levelu

    media info k CT1 HD.
    ID                                       : 8465 (0x2111)
    Complete name                            : /home/username/Kluci v akci.m2t
    Format                                   : MPEG-TS
    File size                                : 6.06 MiB
    Duration                                 : 9 s 600 ms
    Overall bit rate mode                    : Variable
    Overall bit rate                         : 5 289 kb/s
    ID                                       : 2110 (0x83E)
    Menu ID                                  : 268 (0x10C)
    Format                                   : HEVC
    Format/Info                              : High Efficiency Video Coding
    Format profile                           : Main@L4.1@Main
    Codec ID                                 : 36
    Duration                                 : 9 s 600 ms
    Width                                    : 1 920 pixels
    Height                                   : 1 080 pixels
    Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
    Frame rate                               : 50.000 FPS
    Color space                              : YUV
    Chroma subsampling                       : 4:2:0
    Bit depth                                : 8 bits
    Color range                              : Limited
    Color primaries                          : BT.709
    Transfer characteristics                 : BT.709
    Matrix coefficients                      : BT.709
    media info k Nova.
    ID                                       : 61958 (0xF206)
    Complete name                            : /home/username/Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa.m2t
    Format                                   : MPEG-TS
    File size                                : 1.28 MiB
    Duration                                 : 7 s 727 ms
    Overall bit rate mode                    : Variable
    Overall bit rate                         : 1 378 kb/s
    ID                                       : 4001 (0xFA1)
    Menu ID                                  : 519 (0x207)
    Format                                   : HEVC
    Format/Info                              : High Efficiency Video Coding
    Format profile                           : Main@L3.1@Main
    Codec ID                                 : 36
    Duration                                 : 7 s 760 ms
    Maximum bit rate                         : 10 000 kb/s
    Width                                    : 960 pixels
    Height                                   : 540 pixels
    Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
    Frame rate                               : 50.000 FPS
    Color space                              : YUV
    Chroma subsampling                       : 4:2:0
    Bit depth                                : 8 bits
    Pavel 'TIGER' Růžička avatar 13.12.2019 02:18 Pavel 'TIGER' Růžička | skóre: 53
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Mne celkem zaráží ta chyba audia na konci: [00007ff82827bb60] mpeg4audio packetizer error: latm sub frames not yet supported, please send a sample Audio snad nedekóduje grafárna, ne? Nějak se mi to celé nezdá, nemůže být už nějaká chyba v nastavení toho DVB zařízení?
    14.12.2019 07:55 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    # dmesg |grep -E 'si21|em28|nvidia'
    [    0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=(hd1,gpt3)/vmlinuz-5.3.15-300.fc31.x86_64 root=/dev/mapper/fedora_localhost--live-root ro resume=/dev/mapper/fedora_localhost--live-swap rhgb quiet rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau modprobe.blacklist=nouveau nvidia-drm.modeset=1
    [    0.145819] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=(hd1,gpt3)/vmlinuz-5.3.15-300.fc31.x86_64 root=/dev/mapper/fedora_localhost--live-root ro resume=/dev/mapper/fedora_localhost--live-swap rhgb quiet rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau modprobe.blacklist=nouveau nvidia-drm.modeset=1
    [    6.952599] nvidia: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
    [    6.952607] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.
    [    6.993076] nvidia: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel
    [    7.017698] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: New device PCTV PCTV 292e @ 480 Mbps (2013:025f, interface 0, class 0)
    [    7.017700] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: DVB interface 0 found: isoc
    [    7.018500] nvidia-nvlink: Nvlink Core is being initialized, major device number 235
    [    7.023090] nvidia 0000:01:00.0: vgaarb: changed VGA decodes: olddecodes=io+mem,decodes=none:owns=io+mem
    [    7.072893] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: chip ID is em28178
    [    7.264996] nvidia-uvm: Loaded the UVM driver, major device number 511.
    [    7.283841] nvidia-modeset: Loading NVIDIA Kernel Mode Setting Driver for UNIX platforms  440.36  Tue Nov 12 08:10:12 UTC 2019
    [    7.302350] [drm] [nvidia-drm] [GPU ID 0x00000100] Loading driver
    [    9.060306] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: EEPROM ID = 26 00 01 00, EEPROM hash = 0x7511fa04
    [    9.060311] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: EEPROM info:
    [    9.060315] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: 	microcode start address = 0x0004, boot configuration = 0x01
    [    9.068125] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: 	AC97 audio (5 sample rates)
    [    9.068130] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: 	500mA max power
    [    9.068134] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: 	Table at offset 0x27, strings=0x146a, 0x1888, 0x0a7e
    [    9.120163] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: Identified as PCTV tripleStick (292e) (card=94)
    [    9.120169] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: dvb set to isoc mode.
    [    9.120483] usbcore: registered new interface driver em28xx
    [    9.179437] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: Binding DVB extension
    [    9.188991] si2168 14-0064: Silicon Labs Si2168-B40 successfully identified
    [    9.188993] si2168 14-0064: firmware version: B 4.0.2
    [    9.193690] si2157 15-0060: Silicon Labs Si2147/2148/2157/2158 successfully attached
    [    9.193721] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Silicon Labs Si2168)...
    [    9.195459] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: DVB extension successfully initialized
    [    9.195461] em28xx: Registered (Em28xx dvb Extension) extension
    [    9.200390] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: Registering input extension
    [    9.227167] rc rc0: lirc_dev: driver em28xx registered at minor = 0, scancode receiver, no transmitter
    [    9.227172] em28xx 1-2.4:1.0: Input extension successfully initialized
    [    9.227174] em28xx: Registered (Em28xx Input Extension) extension
    [    9.567230] [drm] Initialized nvidia-drm 0.0.0 20160202 for 0000:01:00.0 on minor 1
    [  339.104502] si2168 14-0064: downloading firmware from file 'dvb-demod-si2168-b40-01.fw'
    [  339.320316] si2168 14-0064: firmware version: B 4.0.11
    [  339.324168] si2157 15-0060: found a 'Silicon Labs Si2157-A30'
    [  339.372716] si2157 15-0060: firmware version: 3.0.5
    Ze by uz ta chyba u te nvidie jako ze nefunguje komplet? Firmware k tuneru byl stazen z openELEC
    15.12.2019 10:29 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Ze by uz ta chyba u te nvidie jako ze nefunguje komplet?
    13.12.2019 07:38 Milan Uhrák | skóre: 31 | blog: milan_at_ABC
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    odinstalovat :-)
    14.12.2019 08:12 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Co presne?
    18.12.2019 16:41 reb
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Já to řešil před pár dny, chování podobné (Prima, Nova apod chodily; ČT ne, typicky to zmrzlo). V mém případě pomohlo přepnout z nouveau na proprietární ovladač a vypadá, že to funguje. Ex-post mě ještě napadlo, že možná stačilo nahrát proprietární firmware, ale už jsem to nezkoušel.
    18.12.2019 19:43 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Ex-post mě ještě napadlo, že možná stačilo nahrát proprietární firmware, ale už jsem to nezkoušel.
    Tohle jsem nepochopil.

    Uz mi ten kaffeine hraje ale po nejakem upgradu mi zase blbne zvuk pres HDMI zvukovku do bedny B&W, je to jak poslech s kanalizace. Overeno ze to neni jackem ktery pouzivam z bedny do Dell monitoru nebo DAB+ radia (prave pres nej to jde ciste) ani bednou. Nic se nezmenilo ani bootovanim do jadra starsiho 5.3.15 ani nejstarsiho 5.3.14 kde to zase nenastartuje s modulem nvidia. Dnes pristala aktualice nvidia 440.44 ale ani ta v soucasnem 5.3.16 nic nemeni a taky starsi jadra s ni nabootuji. Ach ta Fedora jen zlobi. Vsiml jsem si ze v repozitari EPEL je stale nvidia 440.36, nevim jestli si to mam vykladat jako ze cekaji jak se bude chovat ve Fedore. Nejradsi bych tam dal openSUSE Leap 15.1 ale tam je zase stare jadro v kterem jeste nefunguje HDMI zvukovka tj. < 5.3,
    19.12.2019 18:47 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Tak to je paradox, dnes jsem aktualizoval nejake baliky systemd a po restartu mi zase nejde pripojit na wifi (ani po nekolika restartech do 5.3.16). Naopak zase muzu nabootovat do starsich jader i s nvidii 440.44 a tam se pripojit jde a stejne tak tam funguje ten zvuk pres HDMI zvukovku. Tak jako posledni funkcni je ted pro me jadro 5.3.15. To jsou veci.
    20.12.2019 13:32 Mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Naopak zase muzu nabootovat do starsich jader i s nvidii 440.44
    Zapomnel jsem ze jsem doinstalovaval balik nvidia-modprobe, takze to bude asi tim a jeste pred tim nvidia-persistence, ktery asi bez nvidia-modprobe nemohl spravne fungovat, pokud se nepletu.
    5.7.2020 22:56 Začátečník
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Nainstaloval jsem nově Suse Leap 15.2. TV Karta Avermedia TD 310 funguje bezvadně. Problém je, že stejně jako kolegovi nefungují v Kaffeine HD CT programy
     mesa: for the   --simplifycfg-sink-common option: may only occur zero or one times!
    mesa: for the   --global-isel-abort option: may only occur zero or one times!
    [000055e5c179ea20] avcodec decoder: Using G3DVL VDPAU Driver Shared Library version 1.0 for hardware decoding
    [000055e5c179ea20] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x55e5c257f9e0] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x55e5c257f9e0] thread_get_buffer() failed
    Grafika je ATI. Dá se s tím něco dělat?
    5.7.2020 23:35 PetebLazar | skóre: 34 | blog: l_eonardovo_odhodlani
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Zkusil bych spustit Kaffeine z terminálu a před jeho spustením zkusil

    bud vynutit r600
    export VDPAU_DRIVER=r600
    či zakázat případně zakázat VDPAU
    export VDPAU_DRIVER=none
    12.7.2020 07:06 mota
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Kolega mel Fedoru, ted to same zkousel na Ubuntu LTS 20.04 stale s nvidii (ale ted s verzi 440.100) stale mel v .bashrc radek export VDPAU_DRIVER="nouveau" ale ono to nefungovalo ani na neCT kanaly. Rozdil byl v tom ze nemel nainstalovany nouveau_firmware, ted mu to zase hraje;-) ackoliv akcelerace nefunguje aspon to nevypisuje chybovou zpravu jako v pripade kdyz zkousel export VDPAU_DRIVER="va_gl" ackoliv to take hralo ... mel nainstalovane z repa i libvdpau-va-gl1 (ale roky nevyvijene)
    $ export VDPAU_DRIVER="nouveau"
    @:~$ kaffeine 
    [00007f277c0fb7b0] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007f277c032b00] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    [hevc @ 0x7f2764083300] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f2764083300] thread_get_buffer() failed
    @:~$ export VDPAU_DRIVER="va_gl"
    @:~$ kaffeine 
    [00007fc84c0fb9e0] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    libva info: VA-API version 1.7.0
    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
    libva info: va_openDriver() returns -1
    [00007fc838003390] glconv_vdpau gl error: glVDPAUInitNV failed: 0x502
    [00007fc84c0367c0] avcodec decoder: Using OpenGL/VAAPI backend for VDPAU for hardware decoding
    [hevc @ 0x7fc84c057d80] Failed setup for format vdpau: hwaccel initialisation returned error.
    [00007fc84c0367c0] avcodec decoder error: existing hardware acceleration cannot be reused
    [hevc @ 0x7fc84c0a7bc0] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7fc84c0a7bc0] thread_get_buffer() failed
    @:~$ export VDPAU_DRIVER="nvidia"
    @:~$ kaffeine
    [00007f70940fb0f0] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007f7094035bd0] avcodec decoder: Using NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  440.100  Fri May 29 08:12:22 UTC 2020 for hardware decoding
    [00007f7094035bd0] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f70940e95c0] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f70940e95c0] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [00007f7094035bd0] avcodec decoder error: avcodec_send_packet critical error
    [00007f70490c29a0] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007f7049011e00] avcodec decoder: Using NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  440.100  Fri May 29 08:12:22 UTC 2020 for hardware decoding
    [00007f7049011e00] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    [hevc @ 0x7f70b0092e80] Could not find ref with POC 26
    [hevc @ 0x7f70b0092e80] Could not find ref with POC 28
    [00007f7049011e00] avcodec decoder error: avcodec_send_packet critical error
    Mpeg4GASpecificConfig: error 1
    [00007f70490c29a0] mpeg4audio packetizer error: latm sub frames not yet supported, please send a sample
    [00007f70490c29a0] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 22050
    [00007f705441ed40] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    [00007f7054018310] avcodec decoder: Using NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  440.100  Fri May 29 08:12:22 UTC 2020 for hardware decoding
    [00007f7054018310] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f704903bf00] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f704903bf00] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x7f704904c4c0] Could not find ref with POC -36
    [00007f7054018310] avcodec decoder error: avcodec_send_packet critical error
    jinak jeste vdpauinfo
    $ vdpauinfo 
    display: :1   screen: 0
    API version: 1
    Information string: NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  440.100  Fri May 29 08:12:22 UTC 2020
    Video surface:
    name   width height types
    420     8192  8192  NV12 YV12 
    422     8192  8192  UYVY YUYV 
    444     8192  8192  
    Decoder capabilities:
    name                        level macbs width height
    MPEG1                           0 65536  4096  4096
    MPEG2_SIMPLE                    3 65536  4096  4096
    MPEG2_MAIN                      3 65536  4096  4096
    H264_BASELINE                  51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_MAIN                      51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_HIGH                      51 65536  4096  4096
    VC1_SIMPLE                      1  8190  2048  2048
    VC1_MAIN                        2  8190  2048  2048
    VC1_ADVANCED                    4  8190  2048  2048
    MPEG4_PART2_SP                  3  8192  2048  2048
    MPEG4_PART2_ASP                 5  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX4_QMOBILE                   0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX4_MOBILE                    0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX4_HOME_THEATER              0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX4_HD_1080P                  0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX5_QMOBILE                   0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX5_MOBILE                    0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX5_HOME_THEATER              0  8192  2048  2048
    DIVX5_HD_1080P                  0  8192  2048  2048
    H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE      51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_EXTENDED                  51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_PROGRESSIVE_HIGH          51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_CONSTRAINED_HIGH          51 65536  4096  4096
    H264_HIGH_444_PREDICTIVE       51 65536  4096  4096
    HEVC_MAIN                      153 262144  8192  8192
    HEVC_MAIN_10                   --- not supported ---
    HEVC_MAIN_STILL                --- not supported ---
    HEVC_MAIN_12                   --- not supported ---
    HEVC_MAIN_444                  --- not supported ---
    Output surface:
    name              width height nat types
    B8G8R8A8         32768 32768    y  Y8U8V8A8 V8U8Y8A8 A4I4 I4A4 A8I8 I8A8 
    R10G10B10A2      32768 32768    y  Y8U8V8A8 V8U8Y8A8 A4I4 I4A4 A8I8 I8A8 
    ... jak pise tygr zkusit to r600 ackoliv akcelerace asi stejne nepujde aspon by to mohlo hrat.
    16.7.2020 22:35 Začátečník
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    Konečně jsem se na to dostal. Funguje ten export VDPAU_DRIVER=none
    export VDPAU_DRIVER=none
    linux@localhost:~> kaffeine
    No protocol specified
    16-07-20 22:15:17.256 [Info    ] kaffeine.dvb: Using built-in dvb device manager
    16-07-20 22:15:17.392 [Info    ] Found dvb device : Silicon Labs Si2168
    [0000562f5bbc3460] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    No protocol specified
    No protocol specified
    No protocol specified
    libva info: VA-API version 1.5.0
    libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/
    libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_5
    mesa: for the   --simplifycfg-sink-common option: may only occur zero or one times!
    mesa: for the   --global-isel-abort option: may only occur zero or one times!
    libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
    [0000562f5bd48180] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaDeriveImage: operation failed
    [0000562f5bb906a0] main video output error: video output creation failed
    [0000562f5bb28570] main decoder error: failed to create video output
    No protocol specified
    No protocol specified
    No protocol specified
    Failed to open VDPAU backend sdílený objektový soubor nelze otevřít: Adresář nebo soubor neexistuje
    No protocol specified
    Failed to open VDPAU backend sdílený objektový soubor nelze otevřít: Adresář nebo soubor neexistuje
    No protocol specified
    [hevc @ 0x562f5bb78300] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x562f5bb78300] thread_get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x562f5bb84dc0] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x562f5bb84dc0] thread_get_buffer() failed
    Chyby jsou tam, ale funguje to.

    Zkoušel jsem i VLC. Nefunguje taky.

    VLC media player 3.0.10 Vetinari (revision 3.0.10-0-g7f145afa84)
    No protocol specified
    [00005576cbbad9a0] main libvlc: Spouštím přehrávač VLC s výchozím rozhraním. Přejete-li si spouštět přehrávač VLC bez rozhraní, použijte příkaz 'cvlc'.
    No protocol specified
    No protocol specified
    [00005576cbc4af60] main playlist: playlist is empty
    [00005576cc09fa40] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
    No protocol specified
    No protocol specified
    libva info: VA-API version 1.5.0
    libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/
    libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_5
    mesa: for the   --simplifycfg-sink-common option: may only occur zero or one times!
    mesa: for the   --global-isel-abort option: may only occur zero or one times!
    libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
    [00005576cc88b160] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaDeriveImage: operation failed
    [00005576cc2cf5b0] main video output error: video output creation failed
    [00005576cc09fa40] main decoder error: failed to create video output
    No protocol specified
    No protocol specified
    mesa: for the   --simplifycfg-sink-common option: may only occur zero or one times!
    mesa: for the   --global-isel-abort option: may only occur zero or one times!
    [00005576cc09fa40] avcodec decoder: Using G3DVL VDPAU Driver Shared Library version 1.0 for hardware decoding
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc09db60] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cd6f0d90] mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 48000
    No protocol specified
    No protocol specified
    libva info: VA-API version 1.5.0
    libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/
    libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_5
    libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
    [00005576cd0c6780] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaDeriveImage: operation failed
    No protocol specified
    No protocol specified
    libva info: VA-API version 1.5.0
    libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/
    libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_5
    libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
    [00005576cd4e24e0] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaDeriveImage: operation failed
    [00005576cd339ce0] main video output error: video output creation failed
    [00005576cc928dd0] main decoder error: failed to create video output
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    No protocol specified
    No protocol specified
    [00005576cc928dd0] avcodec decoder: Using G3DVL VDPAU Driver Shared Library version 1.0 for hardware decoding
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'version_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occurred
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928dd0] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x5576cd7213a0] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x5576cd7213a0] thread_get_buffer() failed                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928dd0] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x5576cd55a500] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x5576cd55a500] thread_get_buffer() failed                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928dd0] avcodec decoder error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
    [hevc @ 0x5576cc7be780] get_buffer() failed
    [hevc @ 0x5576cc7be780] thread_get_buffer() failed                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [hevc @ 0x5576cd4e5fc0] Could not find ref with POC 84
    [hevc @ 0x5576cd4e5fc0] Could not find ref with POC 88                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928dd0] avcodec decoder error: avcodec_send_packet critical error
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'version_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occurred
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'version_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occurred
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'version_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occurred
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'version_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occurred
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'version_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occurred
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    [00005576cc928650] ts demux error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
    QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread
    Zajímavé je, že na Mintu 19.3 vše chodí úplně bez problému. Děkuji všem, kteří poradili. Kde je vlastně chyba? V RPM balíčku? Dalo by se to nějak překompilovat, aby bylo spouštění pohodlnější?
    k3dAR avatar 17.7.2020 00:10 k3dAR | skóre: 62
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: Co chce presne Kaffeine?
    [...] Dalo by se to nějak překompilovat, aby bylo spouštění pohodlnější?
    urcite dalo, ale delal bys to po kazde aktualizaci znovu? jednodusi budes mit kdyz tu volbu pridas pred kaffeine v menu/spoustec/ikona pres co to poustis, pokud by to neslo v tvem DE, tak ho upravit na posteni skriptu /usr/local/bin/kaffeinone:
    export VDPAU_DRIVER=none kaffeine
    a das mu priznak spustitelnosti:
    sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/kaffeinone
    porad nemam telo, ale uz mam hlavu... nobody

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