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    AToL: Defending Network Services

    14.6.2012 10:01 | Přečteno: 725× | Linux

    Autor: Jan Vojtěch
    Nasledovný príspevok je študentskou prácou, ktorá vznikla v rámci predmetu Advanced Topics of Linux Administration. Predmet je vypisovaný na Fakulte informatiky MU v spolupráci so spoločnosťou Red Hat Czech. Vyučovacím jazykom je angličtina a preto je v nej aj nasledovný príspevok, študent nemá právo výberu iného jazyka. Komentáre k obsahu príspevku sú vítané v ľubovoľnom zrozumiteľnom jazyku.

    Every system administrator knows it – you have got a Linux server connected to the internet and this box runs several services. There are some users who access these services, but usually there is also a group of attackers who try to break your services or gain access to the box. These attacks spoil log files by large amount of "access denied" messages and increase load of the services. This article discusses some possibilities how to defend your Linux machine against these attackers.

    Ways of defence

    Generally there are two types of defence – preventive arrangements and active defence:

    Preventive steps

    Active defence

    The most of the preventive steps decreases risk of attack about 90 %, but on the other hand these arrangements usually cannot be used for public services (such as WWW or FTP) because they either hide the service (using not well-known port) or limit group of users with access to the service. That's why the most of preventive steps above we can only use for private services with limited number of users.

    For public services (accessible all around the world) we need something stronger – we need to differentiate between good and bad users and cut off the bad ones as soon as possible. Each user is identified by his IP address, but it may change during the time and also we have to take NAT (Network Address Translation) into account. That means we cannot only add new IP addresses on the blacklist. We also have to delete the old ones because they might have belonged to some good user.

    Available blacklisting tools

    There is several blacklisting tools which differ in some minor features, but the main principal of work is always the same – they parse log files of guarded services and if someone is doing something nasty, he is banned. Banning of the user is usually done using hosts.deny file or using iptables.

    Probably the oldest tool is called DenyHOSTS. It supports only SSH protection and nowadays it is unmaintained and quite obsolete.

    Also there is IPQ BDB Filter. It is quite interesting project which focuses on large networks. It uses netfilter for blacklisting and Berkeley DB for blacklist storage. It offers high performance (written in C) and flexibility due of modular architecture. Unluckily it is still in development, documentation is not too good and especially for inexperienced user it would be quite difficult to set it up. IPQ BDB Filter is surely not an out-of-the-box solution, but advanced users may appreciate it.

    The most common used tools are fail2ban and SSHGuard. SSHGuard is fast, written in C and can be connected directly to syslog. It is ported to many UNIX based operating systems. On the other hand there is lack of configuration options and advanced administrators may say that it is a black box. This article focuses on fail2ban, but I think, SSHGuard is also a good option.


    Fail2ban is quite simple and easy-to-use blacklisting tool. There are some highlights:

    How it works

    If you want to protect a service, you must create a jail for it. Jail specifies what log file to search in, what to search and what to do when there is a rule violation. Fail2ban's default filters and actions are sufficient for the most of users, so usually the only thing you have to do after the installation is the jail creation.

    Installation and configuration


    If you did not get ban, you can try the following things:

    Dealing with localized timestamps

    Fail2ban is nothing more than a log parser. Besides the regular expressions it also has to parse the timestamps. Although it supports several formats of timestamp, fail2ban cannot deal with localized month names correctly. Here you have two options:

    Knockd – porter who opens only for you

    Imagine you have a small home router running Linux. This box is maintained via SSH from private network, but sometimes it would be very handy to access it from outside. If you permitted port 22 on WAN interface, you would become a target of script kiddies very quickly. In addition this service would be almost never used. It would be nice to let the port closed and open it only when we need to access the machine. And this is exactly what konckd does.

    Knockd monitors incoming network connections and their target ports. If it detects a "magic sequence", like ports 7000/TCP, 8000/TCP, 9000/TCP accessed in sequence within 30 seconds, it triggers a specific action, for example it opens port 22 for 5 minutes.

    Installation and configuration

    How to knock

    Knockd comes with a small utility called knock. Its first argument is a hostname to knock, the rest of them are port numbers to knock (the magic sequence). When you want to knock the SSH service from the example above, you would use the following command: knock 7000 8000 9000.

    Of course, it may happen very easily that you don't have the knocking utility with you. In this case you can use almost any application generating TCP requests (or UDP requests if your knockd waits for them). It can be a telnet application or your web browser (you enter address, then etc.). There are only two limitations:


    If knockd does not open ports for you, stop the service and run it in the foreground in verbose mode: knockd -D -i eth0 -v. It should print out what sequence it really received and why it was not accepted.

    If the magic sequence is recognized correctly and the port is not opened anyway, check your iptables command. If you use iptables -A command, remember that the rule is added at the end of your firewall chain definition. Is not your one to last rule "reject all other packets"? It is a good idea to create an empty chain for knockd, add this chain on the right place during firewall initialization and then let knockd modify only its own chain.

    Logwatch – keeps your server in check

    This simple application written in Perl monitors log files stored on the machine and creates a summary which is usually sent by e-mail to the administrator. Of course, this does not protect your services against some misuse, but it is a useful security supplement. Logwatch supports all common services and it is quite easy to add a new one. Parsed time range is restricted to one day or the whole log file, for example, it is not possible to generate one week log summary. Logwatch is not a daemon, it is only a small script run by CRON, so for the most of time it does not consume any CPU time.


    I have mentioned some useful tips how to enhance security of network services. Please keep in the mind that the best protection is to turn off unnecessary services. If it is not possible, you can apply some of tips written above. Also please do not consider port knocking to be a security mechanism. It is only a security supplement, which does not replace standard methods of authentication.

    Thank you for reading, I hope this article will help you to protect your network services better.


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    Vložit další komentář

    14.6.2012 19:11 Käyttäjä 11133 | skóre: 58 | blog: Ajattelee menneisyyttä
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: AToL: Defending Network Services
    Jakmile jsem došel k
    Run services on other (not well-known) ports.
    jsem se rozhodl že se zbytkem článku nemá ani smysl ztrácet čas. :)
    Bystroushaak avatar 15.6.2012 14:21 Bystroushaak | skóre: 36 | blog: Bystroushaakův blog | Praha
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: AToL: Defending Network Services
    Třeba u ssh je to docela dobrá praxe, kterou se člověk zbaví armády bruteforce botů a navíc mu (např. v případě 443) umožňuje projít skrz firewally různě v knihovnách a tak.
    AsciiWolf avatar 15.6.2012 15:09 AsciiWolf | skóre: 40 | blog: Blog
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: AToL: Defending Network Services
    +1 :-)

    (Každopádně i tak je to stále tak trochu "Security through obscurity". ;-))

    Jendа avatar 15.6.2012 16:50 Jendа | skóre: 78 | blog: Jenda | JO70FB
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: AToL: Defending Network Services
    (Každopádně i tak je to stále tak trochu "Security through obscurity". ;-))
    Jenže on to nezavedl kvůli security.

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