Portál AbcLinuxu, 2. června 2024 01:12


Parchive slouží k přidání kontrolních kódů (redundance) k datům. Díky nim je poté možné do určité míry opravit chyby v původních datech.

V Ubuntu je možné ho nainstalovat jako balíček pod jménem parchive (příkaz par2).

par2cmdline version 0.4, Copyright (C) 2003 Peter Brian Clements.

par2cmdline comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. See COPYING for details.


  par2 c(reate) [options] <par2 file> [files] : Create PAR2 files
  par2 v(erify) [options] <par2 file> [files] : Verify files using PAR2 file
  par2 r(epair) [options] <par2 file> [files] : Repair files using PAR2 files

You may also leave out the "c", "v", and "r" commands by using "parcreate",
"par2verify", or "par2repair" instead.


  -b<n>  : Set the Block-Count
  -s<n>  : Set the Block-Size (Don't use both -b and -s)
  -r<n>  : Level of Redundancy (%%)
  -c<n>  : Recovery block count (Don't use both -r and -c)
  -f<n>  : First Recovery-Block-Number
  -u     : Uniform recovery file sizes
  -l     : Limit size of recovery files (Don't use both -u and -l)
  -n<n>  : Number of recovery files (Don't use both -n and -l)
  -m<n>  : Memory (in MB) to use
  -v [-v]: Be more verbose
  -q [-q]: Be more quiet (-q -q gives silence)
  --     : Treat all remaining CommandLine as filenames

If you wish to create par2 files for a single source file, you may leave
out the name of the par2 file from the command line.
Prostředí: Příkazové rozhraní, Konzole
Licence: GPL
Domovská stránka: http://parchive.sourceforge.net/ (94×)
Počet uživatelů:

Hodnocení: 100 %


Dokument vytvořil: Bystroushaak, 8.4.2016 22:42 | Zobrazeno: 1331×

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