Portál AbcLinuxu, 9. června 2024 07:19

HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie

25.3.2012 12:35 | Přečteno: 2234× | 3 | poslední úprava: 25.3.2012 12:32

Takže dnes som sa pustil do testovania zostavy. Pozrieme sa na testy HDD (2x250GB), RAM, šifrovania, lámania hesiel či archivácie (prakticky testy CPU :-)). Pridal som už aj záznam k HW zostavám. Takže ideme na to.


Test HDD I/O (sysbench)
# sysbench --num-threads=2 --test=fileio --file-total-size=5G --file-test-mode=rndrw prepare
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

128 files, 40960Kb each, 5120Mb total
Creating files for the test...

# sysbench --num-threads=2 --test=fileio --file-total-size=5G --file-test-mode=rndrw run
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 2

Extra file open flags: 0
128 files, 40Mb each
5Gb total file size
Block size 16Kb
Number of random requests for random IO: 10000
Read/Write ratio for combined random IO test: 1.50
Periodic FSYNC enabled, calling fsync() each 100 requests.
Calling fsync() at the end of test, Enabled.
Using synchronous I/O mode
Doing random r/w test
Threads started!

Operations performed:  6000 Read, 4000 Write, 12800 Other = 22800 Total
Read 93.75Mb  Written 62.5Mb  Total transferred 156.25Mb  (1.803Mb/sec)
  115.39 Requests/sec executed

Test execution summary:
    total time:                          86.6604s
    total number of events:              10000
    total time taken by event execution: 125.9448
    per-request statistics:
         min:                                  0.01ms
         avg:                                 12.59ms
         max:                                621.19ms
         approx.  95 percentile:              20.61ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           5000.0000/5.00
    execution time (avg/stddev):   62.9724/0.15

./iostat -cdDpPx
                             extended device statistics                             cpu
device mgr/s mgw/s    r/s    w/s    kr/s    kw/s   size queue   wait svc_t  %b  us  sy  wt  id
sda1       0    12    0.8    6.8    19.3  1916.3  254.0   1.5  197.2   5.3   4   3   0   3  93
sdb1       0    12    0.8    6.8    21.2  1916.3  256.9   2.9  384.9   8.1   6
md0        0     0    1.7   18.4    40.5  1916.1   97.3   0.0    0.0   0.0   0


RAMspeed/SMP v3.5.0 (./ramsmp -b 1 2 3 4 5 6 -g 1 -m 32 -p 2 -r)
# ./ramsmp -b 1 2 3 4 5 6 -g 1 -m 32 -p 2 -r
RAMspeed/SMP (GENERIC) v3.5.0 by Rhett M. Hollander and Paul V. Bolotoff, 2002-09

1Gb per pass mode, 2 processes

INTEGER & WRITING         1 Kb block: 31172.94 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING         2 Kb block: 34311.18 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING         4 Kb block: 35021.12 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING         8 Kb block: 35131.96 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING        16 Kb block: 36041.11 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING        32 Kb block: 36201.33 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING        64 Kb block: 35717.71 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING       128 Kb block: 14495.47 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING       256 Kb block: 14966.00 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING       512 Kb block: 14930.54 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING      1024 Kb block: 5692.22 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING      2048 Kb block: 2399.48 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING      4096 Kb block: 2385.37 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING      8192 Kb block: 2383.06 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING     16384 Kb block: 2371.61 Mb/s
INTEGER & WRITING     32768 Kb block: 2369.71 Mb/s

Šifrovanie, lámanie hesiel a komprimovanie

John the ripper (john --test)
# john --test
Benchmarking: Traditional DES [64/64 BS]... DONE
Many salts:     748971 c/s real, 748971 c/s virtual
Only one salt:  675400 c/s real, 675400 c/s virtual

Benchmarking: BSDI DES (x725) [64/64 BS]... DONE
Many salts:     21441 c/s real, 21476 c/s virtual
Only one salt:  21096 c/s real, 21130 c/s virtual

Benchmarking: FreeBSD MD5 [32/64 X2]... DONE
Raw:    6687 c/s real, 6687 c/s virtual

Benchmarking: OpenBSD Blowfish (x32) [32/64 X2]... DONE
Raw:    431 c/s real, 432 c/s virtual

Benchmarking: Kerberos AFS DES [48/64 4K]... DONE
Short:  218882 c/s real, 218882 c/s virtual
Long:   643258 c/s real, 643258 c/s virtual

Benchmarking: LM DES [64/64 BS]... DONE
Raw:    5546K c/s real, 5546K c/s virtual

Benchmarking: NT MD4 [Generic 1x]... DONE
Raw:    6379K c/s real, 6391K c/s virtual

Benchmarking: Eggdrop [blowfish]... DONE
Raw:    13667 c/s real, 13681 c/s virtual

Benchmarking: M$ Cache Hash [Generic 1x]... DONE
Many salts:     9492K c/s real, 9505K c/s virtual
Only one salt:  3703K c/s real, 3703K c/s virtual

Benchmarking: LM C/R DES [netlm]... DONE
Many salts:     299165 c/s real, 299165 c/s virtual
Only one salt:  291270 c/s real, 291676 c/s virtual

Benchmarking: NTLMv1 C/R MD4 DES [netntlm]... DONE
Many salts:     430184 c/s real, 430184 c/s virtual
Only one salt:  404855 c/s real, 405638 c/s virtual

Benchmarking: More Secure Internet Password [RSA MD defined by BSAFE 1.x - Lotus v6]... DONE
Many salts:     41152 c/s real, 41152 c/s virtual
Only one salt:  24453 c/s real, 24453 c/s virtual

Benchmarking: Lotus5 [Lotus v5 Proprietary]... DONE
Raw:    85948 c/s real, 85948 c/s virtual

Benchmarking: Raw MD5 [raw-md5]... DONE
Raw:    3342K c/s real, 3342K c/s virtual

Benchmarking: Raw SHA-1 [raw-sha1]... DONE
Raw:    2258K c/s real, 2261K c/s virtual

Benchmarking: IPB2 MD5 [Invision Power Board 2.x salted MD5]... DONE
Many salts:     1802K c/s real, 1800K c/s virtual
Only one salt:  1056K c/s real, 1057K c/s virtual

Benchmarking: Netscape LDAP SHA [SHA-1]... DONE
Raw:    2231K c/s real, 2231K c/s virtual

Benchmarking: OpenLDAP SSHA [salted SHA-1]... DONE
Many salts:     2336K c/s real, 2336K c/s virtual
Only one salt:  2110K c/s real, 2110K c/s virtual

Benchmarking: HTTP Digest access authentication [HDAA-MD5]... DONE
Many salts:     871091 c/s real, 871996 c/s virtual
Only one salt:  845625 c/s real, 844774 c/s virtual

fcrackzip benchmark (fcrackzip -B)
# fcrackzip -B
 cpmask: (skipped)
 zip1: cracks/s = 4233133
*zip2, USE_MULT_TAB: cracks/s = 4544355

7zip benchmark (7z b)
# 7z b

7-Zip 9.04 beta  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Igor Pavlov  2009-05-30
p7zip Version 9.04 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,2 CPUs)

RAM size:    1948 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   2
RAM usage:    425 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      2

Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
      Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
       KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

22:    2222   168   1288   2161  |    28697   200   1296   2591
23:    2225   175   1298   2267  |    28177   199   1293   2579
24:    2238   178   1352   2407  |    27924   200   1297   2591
25:    2248   182   1411   2567  |    27467   199   1296   2583
Avr:          176   1337   2350               200   1296   2586
Tot:          188   1316   2468

OpenSSL benchmark (openssl speed bf-cbc -multi 2)
# openssl speed bf-cbc -multi 2
Forked child 0
Forked child 1
+DT:blowfish cbc:3:16
+DT:blowfish cbc:3:16
+R:10119394:blowfish cbc:3.000000
+DT:blowfish cbc:3:64
+R:10129073:blowfish cbc:3.000000
+DT:blowfish cbc:3:64
+R:2698771:blowfish cbc:3.000000
+DT:blowfish cbc:3:256
+R:2702032:blowfish cbc:3.000000
+DT:blowfish cbc:3:256
+R:691082:blowfish cbc:3.000000
+DT:blowfish cbc:3:1024
+R:691507:blowfish cbc:3.000000
+DT:blowfish cbc:3:1024
+R:173991:blowfish cbc:3.000000
+DT:blowfish cbc:3:8192
+R:174069:blowfish cbc:3.001000
+DT:blowfish cbc:3:8192
+R:21798:blowfish cbc:3.001000
+R:21806:blowfish cbc:3.000000
Got: +H:16:64:256:1024:8192 from 0
Got: +F:14:blowfish cbc:53970101.33:57573781.33:58972330.67:59388928.00:59503237.59 from 0
Got: +H:16:64:256:1024:8192 from 1
Got: +F:14:blowfish cbc:54021722.67:57643349.33:59008597.33:59395753.42:59544917.33 from 1
OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010
built on: Sun Jan 22 11:32:14 UTC 2012
options:bn(64,64) md2(int) rc4(ptr,char) des(idx,cisc,16,int) aes(partial) blowfish(ptr2)
available timing options: TIMES TIMEB HZ=100 [sysconf value]
timing function used:
blowfish cbc    107991.82k   115217.13k   117980.93k   118784.68k   119048.15k

Navrhnite kľudne aj ďalšie testy ktoré by Vás zaujímali (ale iba testy v konzole nakoľko Xka na servery nemám).        

Hodnocení: 100 %


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Nástroje: Začni sledovat (3) ?Zašle upozornění na váš email při vložení nového komentáře. , Tisk

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26.3.2012 12:20 kapo | skóre: 15 | blog: runtime
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie
Odpovědět | Sbalit | Link | Blokovat | Admin
Ahoj, povedlo se ti na debianu rozchodit cteni teplotniho cidla? Mam tento kousek s nainstalovanym CentOS 6.2 a prectu maximalne telotu na procaku (k10temp).

Diky za info.
Why make things difficult, when it is possible to make them cryptic... - Aksel Peter Jorgensen
Michal Fecko avatar 26.3.2012 12:28 Michal Fecko | skóre: 31 | blog: Poznámkový blog
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie
Ahoj, podobne - iba tak ako tebe :-( Novši Linux som zatiaľ neskúšal.
5.3.2013 22:44 Karel | skóre: 14
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie
Vyřešili jste to nějak? Jsem si ho taky koupil a větrák jede pořád naplno a nepřišel jsem na to, jak ho regulovat.
xvasek avatar 26.3.2012 13:37 xvasek | skóre: 21 | blog: | Zlín
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie
Odpovědět | Sbalit | Link | Blokovat | Admin
Kolik to má FPS v Minecraftu? (Jako vážně, potřebuju domů novou workstation, toto je celkem pěkné a navíc za ty prachy. :-))
26.3.2012 13:49 kapo | skóre: 15 | blog: runtime
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie
Ahoj, netuším. Jde o FPS serveru predpokladam. Jak to otestovat na CentOS pro neznalé?
Why make things difficult, when it is possible to make them cryptic... - Aksel Peter Jorgensen
Michal Fecko avatar 26.3.2012 13:54 Michal Fecko | skóre: 31 | blog: Poznámkový blog
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie
:-D Skúsil som a trhalo - 12 - 15fps. A skúsil som aj 1080kové video z youtube prehrat a netrhalo (70 - 80 percent). Predpokladam že mplayer by tiež nemal mať žiaden problem s 1080kou. Ale na minecrafta by som odporúčal do PCIe 16 nejaku lepšiu grafiku (pozor na to aby ju utiahol zdroj).
Michal Fecko avatar 26.3.2012 13:55 Michal Fecko | skóre: 31 | blog: Poznámkový blog
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie
pre doplnenie - musel som nahodiť Xorg, xfce a javu :-D Grrrrr.... už beži aptitude purge xorg xfce4 :-D
xvasek avatar 27.3.2012 01:33 xvasek | skóre: 21 | blog: | Zlín
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie
Tak dík moc, těch 16 FPS je bída, to je fakt potřeba ještě grafiku za další cca litr. No uvidíme, jak dopadne reklamace a hlavně jestli mi to pak zase shoří.
lukve avatar 26.3.2012 20:47 lukve | skóre: 28 | blog: Lukove | Prešov
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie

xvasek:  v tej cene sa da zohnat Shuttle PC ale bez cpu a bez ram.. grafika na doske Radeon 3000 a DVI vystup.


linux user more than 20y
31.3.2012 23:12 ewew | skóre: 40 | blog: ewewov_blog
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie
Odpovědět | Sbalit | Link | Blokovat | Admin
Mohol by si skúsiť kompiláciu kernelu z kernel.org koľko bude trvať ?
Root v linuxe : "Root povedal, linux vykona."
Michal Fecko avatar 1.4.2012 02:34 Michal Fecko | skóre: 31 | blog: Poznámkový blog
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: HP Proliant Microserver N40L testovanie
jasné - tu to máš aj s rozbalením :-)
$ time tar xfz linux-3.3.tar.bz2
real    1m1.333s
user    0m39.602s
sys     0m7.296s

$ make menuconfig
$ time make
real    126m19.107s
user    117m3.995s
sys     13m47.816s

$ du -hs linux-3.3
5.7G    linux-3.3

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