Portál AbcLinuxu, 30. května 2024 19:00

Dotaz: VNC nejde se prihlasit

polo23 avatar 20.12.2022 18:55 polo23 | skóre: 28 | blog: polo23
VNC nejde se prihlasit
Přečteno: 374×
Odpovědět | Admin
Ahoj, jsem zase na dne se silama a potreboval bzch poradit. Jedna se o pripojeni na PC s VNC.
Mam PC s VNC a nejde se mi na nej prihlasit z jineho PC. Zkousel jsem schvalne se prihlasit sam na sebe a to jede. To PC s VNC je Debian 11, Gnome, v settings jsem si nastavil Remote desktop (viz. screenshot)...

PC s VNC konfigurace:


sudo iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination


sudo netstat -antup | grep 5900
tcp6 0 0 :::5900 :::* LISTEN 6576/gnome-remote-d

Na PC, ze ktereho jsem se prihlasoval jsem pouzil nekolik klientu, napr. Remmina. Heslo zadavam spravne, ale porad me to vyzyva k zadani hesla.

Pak klient vinagre, tak to po zadani hesla pise: connection to host closed.

Popravde uz nevim co s tim...
Nástroje: Začni sledovat (0) ?Zašle upozornění na váš email při vložení nového komentáře.


20.12.2022 19:43 čavo | skóre: 14
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Odpovědět | | Sbalit | Link | Blokovat | Admin
V prvom rade, by som sa na to VNC neprihlasoval cez sieť bez šifrovania. Nenapísali ste aký program je použitý ako VNC server. Niektoré viedia zabaliť spojenie do SSL, ale väčšina nie. Osobne som sa na vnc pripájal len cez ssh tunel.
polo23 avatar 20.12.2022 20:16 polo23 | skóre: 28 | blog: polo23
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Je to jenom v LAN doma na experimenty, proto tam nemam SSH tunel. No jako VNC server jsem pouzil, to co je integrovany v GNOME. Dostanete se tam kdyz kliknete na Settings->Sharing. Daval jsem sem ten screenshot, kde mam konfiguraci toho VNC.

Ted jsem zjistil, ze ten muj klient dela i logy a je tam zminka o SSH. Zkousel jsem v tom klientu nastavit i SSH tunel ale neuspesne.

This window can help you find connection problems.
You can stop and start the logging at any moment using the On/Off switch.
The stats button (Ctrl+T), can be useful to gather system info you may share when reporting a bug.
There is more info about debugging Remmina on https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina/-/wikis/Usage/Remmina-debugging
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Saving profile
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “password” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_vnc_debian_192-168-1-147.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_password” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_vnc_debian_192-168-1-147.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_passphrase” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_vnc_debian_192-168-1-147.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Profile saved
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Connection profile states saved
(DEBUG) - (remmina_network_monitor_status) - G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_FULL
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Saving profile
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_store_password) - Password “password” saved for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_vnc_debian_192-168-1-147.remmina

(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_password” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_vnc_debian_192-168-1-147.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_passphrase” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_vnc_debian_192-168-1-147.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Profile saved
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Connection profile states saved
(DEBUG) - (remmina_network_monitor_status) - G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_FULL
(DEBUG) - (rcw_map_event) - Mapping: RemminaConnectionWindow
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_map_event) - Map plugin function not implemented
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Opening connection
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_init) - Disable smooth scrolling is set to 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_init) - Adding GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Have SSH
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - SSH tunnel initialization…
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_open_connection) - [2022-12-20T20:12:25.777132+01] - dell - polo - Connected to via VNC
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port (tunnel)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - server:, port: 5900
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Color depth: 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_update_quality) - Quality: 2
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_update_quality) - Encodings: tight zrle ultra copyrect hextile zlib corre rre raw
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: colordepth          = 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.depth        = 24
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.bitsPerPixel = 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.blueShift    = 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.redShift     = 16
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.trueColour   = 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.greenShift   = 8
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.blueMax      = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.redMax       = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.greenMax     = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.bigEndian    = 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: VNC server supports protocol version 3.8 (viewer 3.8)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: We have 1 security types to read
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 0) Received security type 2
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Selecting security type 2 (0/1 in the list)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Selected Security Scheme 2
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: VNC authentication succeeded
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: read (104: Connection reset by peer)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Client initialization failed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Client not connected with error: read (104: Connection reset by peer)
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnect signal received on RemminaProtocolWidget
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Saving profile
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_passphrase” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_vnc_debian_192-168-1-147.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_store_password) - Password “password” saved for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_vnc_debian_192-168-1-147.remmina

(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_password” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_vnc_debian_192-168-1-147.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Profile saved
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Connection profile states saved
(DEBUG) - (remmina_network_monitor_status) - G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_FULL
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Could not disconnect
20.12.2022 20:46 pavele
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
No a když na tom vnc serveru vypneš šifrování, tak se jde připojit?

Do terminálu:

gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false
polo23 avatar 21.12.2022 14:56 polo23 | skóre: 28 | blog: polo23
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Tohle neni to co potrebuju... je to pro Vino VNC server, ja mam Gnome desktop VNC. Ale nasel jsem co tam mam mit ja. Buhuzel to nepomaha.

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.vnc encryption "['none']"
No such key “encryption”
20.12.2022 21:55 z_sk | skóre: 34 | blog: analyzy
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Pozri toto. S rozbehom by nemal byt problem. Ak tak, tak pouzi inu implementaciu.
polo23 avatar 21.12.2022 15:20 polo23 | skóre: 28 | blog: polo23
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Rozjel jsem tohle, ale po pripojeni vidim jen cernou obrazovku...
21.12.2022 16:28 z_sk | skóre: 34 | blog: analyzy
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Asi je to v poriadku. Pripojiť si sa pripojil. Ak sa spusti Vnc server, ten spusta X server. A ten by mal spustiť sedenie (Xfce, KDE, GNOME atd). Takže ak autodetekcia zlyhala, tak treba upraviť ~/.vnc/xstartup. Ja inštalujem si (ak) na VPS program vmaker, takze ten rovno aj príkaz tam dám. Napadlo ma, že možno ešte nebolo spustené inicializačné sedenie pre tvoje defaultne grafické rozhranie, tak je čiernota. A tretia možnosť – pozri log vnc servera.
polo23 avatar 21.12.2022 17:46 polo23 | skóre: 28 | blog: polo23
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Tak jsem to nakonec vzdal, zkusil jsem nekolik VNC serveru, ale zadny uspesne. Takze co jsem nakonec udelal...

Instaloval jsem misto Debiana Fedoru 37, nakonfiguroval jsem Settings -> sharing (je pro me prekvapenim, ze to neni GUI pro nejake integrovane VNC ale pro RDP - bezi to i na portu 3389).

Funguje to tak napul:

1) V GUI (GNOME), musi byt prihlaseny uzivatel - pokud neni tak se nejde pripojit
2) K PC na ktere se pripojuji musi byt pripojeny monitor jinak se sice prihlasim s login udaji, ale session okamzite spadne. Vubec nechapu proc. Mate s tim nekdo zkusenosti?
k3dAR avatar 21.12.2022 18:47 k3dAR | skóre: 62
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
pouzivam s Xubuntu: x11vnc (jako server) + xserver-xorg-video-dummy (jako virtualni gpu nevyzadujici pripojenej monitor), podrobnosti tady...
kdyz neni uzivatel prihlasen, zobrazuje normalni login screen (kdyz se to x11vnc pousti nakonfigurovane viz ten "tady" link)...
porad nemam telo, ale uz mam hlavu... nobody
k3dAR avatar 21.12.2022 18:48 k3dAR | skóre: 62
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
+ Remmina (jako klient)...
BTW: to ze ve Fedore je nativni sharing pres RDP neni vec Fedory, ale novejsi verze Gnome kde misto VNC je RDP...
porad nemam telo, ale uz mam hlavu... nobody
polo23 avatar 21.12.2022 19:44 polo23 | skóre: 28 | blog: polo23
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Jo Remminu pouzivam taky. A ano, mas pravdu s tim Gnome. Ja jsem jeste nasel tento manual... manual.

Ale porad mi to nejede, kdyz odpojim ten monitor.

Jinak ta Remmina i podrobne loguje... Zapnul jsem logovani a pak se zkusil pripojit, log nize. Me tam nic netrklo
This window can help you find connection problems.
You can stop and start the logging at any moment using the On/Off switch.
The stats button (Ctrl+T), can be useful to gather system info you may share when reporting a bug.
There is more info about debugging Remmina on https://gitlab.com/…ing
(DEBUG) - (rcw_map_event) - Mapping: RemminaConnectionWindow
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_map_event) - Calling plugin mapping function
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Opening connection
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_init) - Disable smooth scrolling is set to 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_init) - Adding GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Have SSH
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - RDP data path is /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/RDP
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Not using system proxy settings
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - Tunnel init
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - SSH tunnel initialization…
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port (tunnel)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - server:, port: 3389
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - protocol_plugin_start_direct_tunnel() returned []:3389
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - Tunnel has been optionally initialized. Now connecting to
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - gfx_h264_available: 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Resolution set by the user: 1024x768
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Resolution set after workarounds: 1024x768
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_type: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_username: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_password: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_hostname: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_port: 80
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Network settings not set
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - rdp_keyboard_remapping_list: 
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Log level set to to INFO
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_on_clipboard) - gp=0x55e2a995a750: owner-change event received
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_on_clipboard) - gp=0x55e2a995a750 owner-change: new owner is different than me: new=(nil) me=0x55e2a995a750
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_on_clipboard) - gp=0x55e2a995a750 owner-change: new owner is not me: Sending local clipboard format list to server.
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - gp=0x55e2a995a750 sending to server the following local clipboard content formats
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) -      local clipboard format UTF8_STRING will be sent to remote as 13
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) -      local clipboard format TEXT will be sent to remote as 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) -      local clipboard format text/plain will be sent to remote as 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) -      local clipboard format text/plain;charset=utf-8 will be sent to remote as 13
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_on_clipboard) - gp=0x55e2a995a750: owner-change event received
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_on_clipboard) - gp=0x55e2a995a750 owner-change: new owner is different than me: new=(nil) me=0x55e2a995a750
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_on_clipboard) - gp=0x55e2a995a750 owner-change: new owner is not me: Sending local clipboard format list to server.
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - gp=0x55e2a995a750 sending to server the following local clipboard content formats
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) -      local clipboard format UTF8_STRING will be sent to remote as 13
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) -      local clipboard format TEXT will be sent to remote as 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) -      local clipboard format text/plain will be sent to remote as 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) -      local clipboard format text/plain;charset=utf-8 will be sent to remote as 13
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_post_connect) - bpp: 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_post_connect) - CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpdr has been opened
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpsnd has been opened
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel cliprdr has been opened
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel drdynvc has been opened
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts from default: 20
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts from general preferences: 0
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts from general plugin: 0
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts set to: 20
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_connected) - [2022-12-21T19:35:00.054852+01] - dell - polo - Connected to via RDP
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main_loop) - [2022-12-21T19:35:00.055019+01] - dell - polo - Disconnected from via RDP
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpdr has been closed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpsnd has been closed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel cliprdr has been closed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel drdynvc has been closed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main_loop) - RDP client disconnected
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Connect signal emitted
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - We save the last successful connection date
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_state_last_success) - State file /home/polo/.cache/remmina/group_rdp_192-168-1-130.remmina.state.
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_state_last_success) - Last connection made on 20221221.
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Saving credentials
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Saving profile
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_store_password) - Password “password” saved for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_rdp_192-168-1-130.remmina

(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_password” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_rdp_192-168-1-130.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “gateway_password” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_rdp_192-168-1-130.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_passphrase” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_rdp_192-168-1-130.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Profile saved
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Connection profile states saved
(DEBUG) - (remmina_network_monitor_status) - G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_FULL
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Trying to present the window
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnect signal received on RemminaProtocolWidget
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Saving profile
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_store_password) - Password “password” saved for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_rdp_192-168-1-130.remmina

(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_password” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_rdp_192-168-1-130.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “gateway_password” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_rdp_192-168-1-130.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_passphrase” deleted for file /home/polo/.local/share/remmina/group_rdp_192-168-1-130.remmina
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Profile saved
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Connection profile states saved
(DEBUG) - (remmina_network_monitor_status) - G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_FULL
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnected
polo23 avatar 21.12.2022 19:49 polo23 | skóre: 28 | blog: polo23
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Popravde patlam se s tim uz tak dlouho, ze bych uvital spis nejake uz jednoduche reseni... :(( Uz nemam moc silu se dal hrabat v nastavenich a zkouset a zkouset.

Treba ten sharing mi prijde super, az na to ze to nefunguje :)
21.12.2022 19:57 GeorgeWH | skóre: 42
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
polo23 avatar 21.12.2022 20:27 polo23 | skóre: 28 | blog: polo23
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Diky za tip, mrknu na to. Ale az zitra, dneska uz jsem se s tim sr** dost dlouho a jsem KO.
21.12.2022 20:51 pavele
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Nepoužíváš místo Xorg Wayland?
21.12.2022 21:13 pavele
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Našel jsem pár poznámek, když jsem se to snažil rozchodit v CentOS 7:

CentOS 7 - Gnome 3 - nejde se prihlasit na centos 7 - cerna obrazovka

Nainstalovane programy: vino
Firewall - povolene porty: vnc-server (5900 udp a 5900 tcp)

nastaveni (gnome-control-center) -> Sdileni -> Sdileni obrazovky -> 
Vzdalene zobrazeni -> 1
Vzdálené ovládání -> 1
Povolit všechna připojení -> 0 (Pozor, jinak hrozi black-screen!)
Vyzadovat heslo -> 1
Heslo -> mojetajneheslo

dconf-editor -> remote-access -> prompt-enabled -> false
dconf-editor -> remote-access -> notify-on-connect -> false
dconf-editor -> org -> gnome -> remote access -> require-encryption -> false
dconf-editor -> remote-access -> icon-visibility -> never

Jinak já se přihlašuji přes ssh:

sh -L 5909:localhost:5909 -C -c blowfish karlik@

x11vnc -autoport 5909 -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -nomodtweak -xkb -display :0 -localhost

polo23 avatar 21.12.2022 21:26 polo23 | skóre: 28 | blog: polo23
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Diky, ale tedka je to nastaveni trochu jine.. porad to meni... Viz. priloha.
polo23 avatar 21.12.2022 21:22 polo23 | skóre: 28 | blog: polo23
Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: VNC nejde se prihlasit
Jo, ja myslim, ze tyhle nove Fedory (37) uz pouzivaji Wayland.
ps aux  | grep -i way
165:polo        4361  0.0  0.0 374748  5864 tty2     Ssl+ 13:37   0:00 /usr/libexec/gdm-wayland-session /usr/bin/gnome-session
235:polo        5238  0.5  0.2 784136 82292 ?        Sl   13:37   2:38 /usr/bin/Xwayland :0 -rootless -noreset -accessx -core -auth /run/user/1000/.mutter-Xwaylandauth.EYCZX1 -listenfd 4 -listenfd 5 -displayfd 6 -initfd 7

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