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    včera 17:55 | Komunita

    Na čem aktuálně pracují vývojáři GNOME a KDE? Pravidelný přehled novinek v Týden v GNOME a Týden v KDE.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    7.6. 14:55 | IT novinky

    Před 70 lety, 7. června 1954, ve věku 41 let, zemřel Alan Turing, britský matematik, logik, kryptoanalytik a zakladatel moderní informatiky.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 8
    7.6. 11:44 | Zajímavý software

    NiceGUI umožňuje používat webový prohlížeč jako frontend pro kód v Pythonu. Zdrojové kódy jsou k dispozici na GitHubu pod licencí MIT.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 1
    7.6. 10:55 | Nová verze

    Open source platforma Home Assistant (Demo, GitHub, Wikipedie) pro monitorování a řízení inteligentní domácnosti byla vydána ve verzi 2024.6. Z novinek lze vypíchnout lepší integraci LLM (OpenAI, Google AI, Ollama) nebo podporu Matter 1.3.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    6.6. 20:55 | IT novinky

    IKEA ve Spojeném království hledá zaměstnance do své nové pobočky. Do pobočky v počítačové hře Roblox. Nástupní mzda je 13,15 liber na hodinu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    6.6. 10:44 | Zajímavý článek

    Alyssa Rosenzweig se v příspěvku na svém blogu Vulkan 1.3 na M1 za 1 měsíc rozepsala o novém Vulkan 1.3 ovladači Honeykrisp pro Apple M1 splňujícím specifikaci Khronosu. Vychází z ovladače NVK pro GPU od Nvidie. V plánu je dále rozchodit DXVK a vkd3d-proton a tím pádem Direct3D, aby na Apple M1 s Asahi Linuxem běžely hry pro Microsoft Windows.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 41
    6.6. 01:00 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána (𝕏) květnová aktualizace aneb nová verze 1.90 editoru zdrojových kódů Visual Studio Code (Wikipedie). Přehled novinek i s náhledy a animovanými gify v poznámkách k vydání. Ve verzi 1.90 vyjde také VSCodium, tj. komunitní sestavení Visual Studia Code bez telemetrie a licenčních podmínek Microsoftu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    6.6. 00:44 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána (Mastodon, 𝕏) nová verze 2024.2 linuxové distribuce navržené pro digitální forenzní analýzu a penetrační testování Kali Linux (Wikipedie). Přehled novinek se seznamem nových nástrojů v oficiálním oznámení.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    5.6. 16:44 | IT novinky

    Počítačová hra Tetris slaví 40 let. Alexej Pažitnov dokončil první hratelnou verzi 6. června 1984. Mezitím vznikla celá řada variant. Například Peklo nebo Nebe. Loni měl premiéru film Tetris.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 10
    5.6. 10:44 | Nová verze

    MicroPython (Wikipedie), tj. implementace Pythonu 3 optimalizovaná pro jednočipové počítače, byl vydán ve verzi 1.23.0. V přehledu novinek je vypíchnuta podpora dynamických USB zařízení nebo nové moduly openamp, tls a vfs.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0

    Dotaz: nastavení lighttpd + php-fpm

    1.8.2016 12:37 pou | skóre: 18
    nastavení lighttpd + php-fpm
    Přečteno: 346×
    Ahoj, snažím se nastavit lighttpd + php-fpm (jede to na embedded systému ARM - system z yocto).

    Vše jsem snad zdárně nainstaloval a nastavil. Po spuštění (bez chyby v logu) a navštívení zkušební stránky (zk.php) se objeví níže vypsané chybové výpisy. Zkoušel jsem s tím nějak laborovat, ale neúspěšně.

    Prosím o radu (konfigurační soubory jsou v příloze).


    500 - Internal Server Error
    php-fpm log:
    03-Jul-2016 22:51:40.060382] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:41.061580] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:42.062775] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:43.063970] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:44.065168] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:45.066369] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:45.793184] DEBUG: pid 725, fpm_scoreboard_init_main(), line 40: got clock tick '100'
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:45.794457] ERROR: pid 725, fpm_sockets_new_listening_socket(), line 194: unable to bind listening socket for address '': Address already in use (98)
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:45.794652] ERROR: pid 725, fpm_init(), line 72: FPM initialization failed
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:45.794716] DEBUG: pid 725, main(), line 1836: Sending "0" (error) to parent via fd=5
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:45.845885] DEBUG: pid 727, fpm_scoreboard_init_main(), line 40: got clock tick '100'
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:45.846985] ERROR: pid 727, fpm_sockets_new_listening_socket(), line 194: unable to bind listening socket for address '': Address already in use (98)
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:45.847151] ERROR: pid 727, fpm_init(), line 72: FPM initialization failed
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:45.847205] DEBUG: pid 727, main(), line 1836: Sending "0" (error) to parent via fd=5
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:46.067572] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:46.974323] DEBUG: pid 730, fpm_scoreboard_init_main(), line 40: got clock tick '100'
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:46.975437] ERROR: pid 730, fpm_sockets_new_listening_socket(), line 194: unable to bind listening socket for address '': Address already in use (98)
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:46.975608] ERROR: pid 730, fpm_init(), line 72: FPM initialization failed
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:46.975662] DEBUG: pid 730, main(), line 1836: Sending "0" (error) to parent via fd=5
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:47.068778] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:48.069981] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:49.071179] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:50.072376] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:51.073594] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:52.074787] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:53.075968] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:54.077163] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 22:51:55.078357] DEBUG: pid 705, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    lighttpd log:
    2016-07-03 22:49:47: (/-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.3346) response not received, request sent: 754 on socket: tcp: for /zk.php?, closing connection 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.339) -- splitting Request-URI 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.340) Request-URI     :  /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.341) URI-scheme      :  http 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.342) URI-authority   : 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.343) URI-path (raw)  :  /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.344) URI-path (clean):  /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.345) URI-query       :   
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/mod_access.c.135) -- mod_access_uri_handler called 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.473) -- before doc_root 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.474) Doc-Root     : /www/pages/ 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.475) Rel-Path     : /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.476) Path         :  
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.524) -- after doc_root 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.525) Doc-Root     : /www/pages/ 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.526) Rel-Path     : /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.527) Path         : /www/pages/zk.php 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.544) -- logical -> physical 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.545) Doc-Root     : /www/pages/ 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.546) Basedir      : /www/pages/ 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.547) Rel-Path     : /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.548) Path         : /www/pages/zk.php 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.565) -- handling physical path 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.566) Path         : /www/pages/zk.php 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.573) -- file found 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.574) Path         : /www/pages/zk.php 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.725) -- handling subrequest 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/response.c.726) Path         : /www/pages/zk.php 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/mod_access.c.135) -- mod_access_uri_handler called 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.3693) handling it in mod_fastcgi 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.2906) backend is overloaded; we'll disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 0 load: 1 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.2906) backend is overloaded; we'll disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 1 load: 1 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.2906) backend is overloaded; we'll disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 2 load: 1 
    2016-07-03 22:51:45: (/-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.2562) unexpected end-of-file (perhaps the fastcgi process died): pid: 724 socket: tcp: 
    cat /www/pages/zk.php
    echo "AHOJ";


    1.8.2016 13:17 Sten
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nastavení lighttpd + php-fpm
    Na portu 9000 zřejmě běží už něco jiného (netstat -nlp | grep 9000 by měl říct co) a nginx jste asi zapomněl otočit, snaží se připojit na port 9002.
    1.8.2016 13:49 pou | skóre: 18
    Rozbalit Rozbalit vše Re: nastavení lighttpd + php-fpm
    Díky za odpověď. No na tom portu koliduje pouze php-fpm. Když ho vypnu tak netstat nic nevypíše. Zkoušel jsem komunikaci i po lokálním soketu, chyba je obdobná.....

    2016-07-03 23:53:05: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/log.c.164) server started 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.339) -- splitting Request-URI 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.340) Request-URI     :  /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.341) URI-scheme      :  http 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.342) URI-authority   : 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.343) URI-path (raw)  :  /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.344) URI-path (clean):  /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.345) URI-query       :   
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/mod_access.c.135) -- mod_access_uri_handler called 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.473) -- before doc_root 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.474) Doc-Root     : /www/pages/ 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.475) Rel-Path     : /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.476) Path         :  
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.524) -- after doc_root 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.525) Doc-Root     : /www/pages/ 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.526) Rel-Path     : /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.527) Path         : /www/pages/zk.php 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.544) -- logical -> physical 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.545) Doc-Root     : /www/pages/ 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.546) Basedir      : /www/pages/ 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.547) Rel-Path     : /zk.php 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.548) Path         : /www/pages/zk.php 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.565) -- handling physical path 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.566) Path         : /www/pages/zk.php 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.573) -- file found 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.574) Path         : /www/pages/zk.php 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.725) -- handling subrequest 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/response.c.726) Path         : /www/pages/zk.php 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/mod_access.c.135) -- mod_access_uri_handler called 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.3693) handling it in mod_fastcgi 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.1754) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-3 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.3021) backend died; we'll disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 0 load: 1 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.1754) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-3 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.3021) backend died; we'll disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 1 load: 1 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.1754) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-2 
    2016-07-03 23:53:06: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.3021) backend died; we'll disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 2 load: 1 
    2016-07-03 23:53:07: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.2562) unexpected end-of-file (perhaps the fastcgi process died): pid: 531 socket: unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-2 
    2016-07-03 23:53:07: (/home/pou/fsl/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lighttpd/1.4.35-r1/lighttpd-1.4.35/src/mod_fastcgi.c.3346) response not received, request sent: 725 on socket: unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket-2 for /zk.php?, closing connection 
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.930065] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_scoreboard_init_main(), line 40: got clock tick '100'
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.931437] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_event_init_main(), line 337: event module is epoll and 1 fds have been reserved
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.931491] NOTICE: pid 520, fpm_init(), line 83: fpm is running, pid 520
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.931543] DEBUG: pid 520, main(), line 1845: Sending "1" (OK) to parent via fd=5
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.937383] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool www] child 521 started
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.938202] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool www] child 522 started
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.939008] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool www] child 523 started
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.939911] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool www] child 524 started
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.940109] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_event_loop(), line 366: 5436 bytes have been reserved in SHM
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.940158] NOTICE: pid 520, fpm_event_loop(), line 367: ready to handle connections
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.975743] DEBUG: pid 525, fpm_scoreboard_init_main(), line 40: got clock tick '100'
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.976898] ERROR: pid 525, fpm_sockets_new_listening_socket(), line 185: An another FPM instance seems to already listen on /tmp/php-fastcgi.socket
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.976997] ERROR: pid 525, fpm_init(), line 72: FPM initialization failed
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.977067] DEBUG: pid 525, main(), line 1836: Sending "0" (error) to parent via fd=5
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.989196] DEBUG: pid 526, fpm_scoreboard_init_main(), line 40: got clock tick '100'
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.989184] DEBUG: pid 527, fpm_scoreboard_init_main(), line 40: got clock tick '100'
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.990629] ERROR: pid 526, fpm_sockets_new_listening_socket(), line 185: An another FPM instance seems to already listen on /tmp/php-fastcgi.socket
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.990741] ERROR: pid 526, fpm_init(), line 72: FPM initialization failed
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.990801] DEBUG: pid 526, main(), line 1836: Sending "0" (error) to parent via fd=5
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.991238] ERROR: pid 527, fpm_sockets_new_listening_socket(), line 185: An another FPM instance seems to already listen on /tmp/php-fastcgi.socket
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.991344] ERROR: pid 527, fpm_init(), line 72: FPM initialization failed
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:05.991409] DEBUG: pid 527, main(), line 1836: Sending "0" (error) to parent via fd=5
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:06.941300] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.143152] DEBUG: pid 530, fpm_scoreboard_init_main(), line 40: got clock tick '100'
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.145379] ERROR: pid 530, fpm_sockets_new_listening_socket(), line 185: An another FPM instance seems to already listen on /tmp/php-fastcgi.socket
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.145565] ERROR: pid 530, fpm_init(), line 72: FPM initialization failed
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.145693] DEBUG: pid 530, main(), line 1836: Sending "0" (error) to parent via fd=5
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.252069] DEBUG: pid 535, fpm_scoreboard_init_main(), line 40: got clock tick '100'
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.253608] ERROR: pid 535, fpm_sockets_new_listening_socket(), line 185: An another FPM instance seems to already listen on /tmp/php-fastcgi.socket
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.253730] ERROR: pid 535, fpm_init(), line 72: FPM initialization failed
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.253803] DEBUG: pid 535, main(), line 1836: Sending "0" (error) to parent via fd=5
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.253596] DEBUG: pid 536, fpm_scoreboard_init_main(), line 40: got clock tick '100'
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.255913] ERROR: pid 536, fpm_sockets_new_listening_socket(), line 185: An another FPM instance seems to already listen on /tmp/php-fastcgi.socket
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.256036] ERROR: pid 536, fpm_init(), line 72: FPM initialization failed
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.256106] DEBUG: pid 536, main(), line 1836: Sending "0" (error) to parent via fd=5
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:07.942503] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:08.943457] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:09.944648] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:10.945845] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    [03-Jul-2016 23:53:11.947037] DEBUG: pid 520, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 4 spare children, 4 running children. Spawning rate 1
    8.8.2016 06:23 pou | skóre: 18
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