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    včera 23:55 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová stabilní verze 24.05 linuxové distribuce NixOS (Wikipedie). Její kódové označení je Uakari. Podrobný přehled novinek v poznámkách k vydání. O balíčky se v NixOS stará správce balíčků Nix.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 17:33 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána nová verze 1.48.0 sady nástrojů pro správu síťových připojení NetworkManager. Novinkám se v příspěvku na blogu NetworkManageru věnuje Fernando F. Mancera. Mimo jiné se v nastavení místo mac-address-blacklist nově používá mac-address-denylist.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 5
    včera 17:11 | Komunita

    Před 25 lety, 31. května 1999, započal vývoj grafického editoru Krita (Wikipedie). Tenkrát ještě pod názvem KImageShop a později pod názvem Krayon.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    včera 12:55 | Nová verze

    Farid Abdelnour se v příspěvku na blogu rozepsal o novinkám v nejnovější verzi 24.05.0 editoru videa Kdenlive (Wikipedie). Ke stažení brzy také na Flathubu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 11:22 | Zajímavý článek

    David Revoy, autor mj. komiksu Pepper&Carrot, se rozepsal o své aktuální grafické pracovní stanici: Debian 12 Bookworm, okenní systém X11, KDE Plasma 5.27, …

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 5
    30.5. 22:44 | Nová verze

    Wayland (Wikipedie) byl vydán ve verzi 1.23.0. Z novinek lze vypíchnout podporu OpenBSD.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    30.5. 21:22 | Zajímavý článek

    Craig Loewen na blogu Microsoftu představil novinky ve Windows Subsystému pro Linux (WSL). Vypíchnout lze GUI aplikaci pro nastavování WSL nebo správu WSL z Dev Home.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    30.5. 12:44 | Pozvánky

    V sobotu 1. června lze navštívit Maker Faire Ostrava, festival plný workshopů, interaktivních činností a především nadšených a zvídavých lidí.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    30.5. 12:22 | Nová verze

    Webový server Caddy (Wikipedie) s celou řadou zajímavých vlastností byl vydán ve verzi 2.8 (𝕏). Přehled novinek na GitHubu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 12
    29.5. 22:11 | Nová verze

    Byla vydána verze 3.0 (@, 𝕏) svobodného softwaru HAProxy (The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer; Wikipedie) řešícího vysokou dostupnost, vyvažování zátěže a reverzní proxy. Detailní přehled novinek v příspěvku na blogu společnosti HAProxy Technologies.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 7
    Podle hypotézy Mrtvý Internet mj. tvoří většinu online interakcí boti.
    Celkem 1063 hlasů
     Komentářů: 17, poslední včera 15:31

    SBLive! 5+1

    Postup zprovoznění pod Linuxem

    Zdravim vsechny, sice nevim jestli to nekomu muze pomoct, ale vsichni o to stale prosi, tak tady jsou moje konfiguraky - ALSA + SB Live + 5.1 repro (Genius 5.1 Home Theatre). Neni to nastaveny nijak odborne, ale funguje to. Teda alespon mne:) A treba to nekomu k necemu bude.


    pcm.!default {
        type hw
        card 0
    ctl.!default {
        type hw           
        card 0
    alias snd-slot-0 snd-card-0
    alias snd-slot-1 snd-card-1
    alias char-major-195* nvidia
    # --- BEGIN: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---
    # --- ALSACONF verion 1.0.5 ---
    alias char-major-116 snd
    alias char-major-14 soundcore
    alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
    alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
    alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
    alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
    alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
    alias snd-card-0 snd-emu10k1
    alias sound-slot-0 snd-emu10k1
    # --- END: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---
    state.rev60 {
    	control.1 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Master Playback Switch'
    		value true
    	control.2 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Master Playback Volume'
    		value.0 19
    		value.1 19
    	control.3 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Center Playback Switch'
    		value true
    	control.4 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Center Playback Volume'
    		value 19
    	control.5 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'LFE Playback Switch'
    		value true
    	control.6 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'LFE Playback Volume'
    		value 19
    	control.7 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Surround Playback Switch'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.8 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Surround Playback Volume'
    		value.0 31
    		value.1 31
    	control.9 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'PC Speaker Playback Switch'
    		value false
    	control.10 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 15'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'PC Speaker Playback Volume'
    		value 0
    	control.11 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Mic Playback Switch'
    		value true
    	control.12 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Mic Playback Volume'
    		value 31
    	control.13 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Mic Boost (+20dB)'
    		value false
    	control.14 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Line Playback Switch'
    		value true
    	control.15 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Line Playback Volume'
    		value.0 16
    		value.1 16
    	control.16 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'CD Playback Switch'
    		value false
    	control.17 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'CD Playback Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.18 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Aux Playback Switch'
    		value false
    	control.19 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Aux Playback Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.20 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'PCM Playback Switch'
    		value true
    	control.21 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'PCM Playback Volume'
    		value.0 21
    		value.1 21
    	control.22 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type ENUMERATED
    		comment.item.0 Mic
    		comment.item.1 CD
    		comment.item.2 Video
    		comment.item.3 Aux
    		comment.item.4 Line
    		comment.item.5 Mix
    		comment.item.6 'Mix Mono'
    		comment.item.7 Phone
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Capture Source'
    		value.0 'Mix Mono'
    		value.1 'Mix Mono'
    	control.23 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Capture Switch'
    		value true
    	control.24 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 15'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Capture Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.25 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type ENUMERATED
    		comment.item.0 Mix
    		comment.item.1 Mic
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Mono Output Select'
    		value Mix
    	control.26 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type ENUMERATED
    		comment.item.0 Mic1
    		comment.item.1 Mic2
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Mic Select'
    		value Mic1
    	control.27 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'External Amplifier'
    		value true
    	control.28 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type ENUMERATED
    		comment.item.0 Input1
    		comment.item.1 Input2
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Input Source Select'
    		value Input1
    	control.29 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type ENUMERATED
    		comment.item.0 Input1
    		comment.item.1 Input2
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Input Source Select'
    		index 1
    		value Input1
    	control.30 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'IEC958 Output Switch'
    		value true
    	control.31 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'VIA DXS Playback Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.32 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
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    		index 1
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    		value.1 0
    	control.33 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
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    		index 2
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    		value.1 0
    	control.34 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'VIA DXS Playback Volume'
    		index 3
    		value.0 31
    		value.1 31
    state.Live {
    	control.1 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Wave Playback Volume'
    		value.0 100
    		value.1 100
    	control.2 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Wave Surround Playback Volume'
    		value.0 100
    		value.1 100
    	control.3 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Wave Center Playback Volume'
    		value 80
    	control.4 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Wave LFE Playback Volume'
    		value 50
    	control.5 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Wave Capture Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.6 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Wave Capture Switch'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.7 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Music Playback Volume'
    		value.0 100
    		value.1 100
    	control.8 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Music Capture Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.9 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Music Capture Switch'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.10 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Surround Playback Volume'
    		value.0 22
    		value.1 22
    	control.11 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
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    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.12 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
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    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.13 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Center Playback Volume'
    		value 70
    	control.14 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'LFE Playback Volume'
    		value 80
    	control.15 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'AC97 Playback Volume'
    		value.0 84
    		value.1 84
    	control.16 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'AC97 Capture Volume'
    		value.0 100
    		value.1 100
    	control.17 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'IEC958 TTL Playback Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.18 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'IEC958 TTL Capture Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.19 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'IEC958 TTL Capture Switch'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.20 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'IEC958 LiveDrive Playback Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.21 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'IEC958 LiveDrive Capture Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.22 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'IEC958 LiveDrive Capture Switch'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.23 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Line LiveDrive Playback Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.24 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Line LiveDrive Capture Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.25 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Line LiveDrive Capture Switch'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.26 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'IEC958 Coaxial Playback Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.27 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'IEC958 Coaxial Capture Volume'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.28 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'IEC958 Coaxial Capture Switch'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.29 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Line2 LiveDrive Playback Volume'
    		index 1
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.30 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Line2 LiveDrive Capture Volume'
    		index 1
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.31 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Line2 LiveDrive Capture Switch'
    		index 1
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.32 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 40'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Tone Control - Bass'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.33 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 40'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Tone Control - Treble'
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.34 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Tone Control - Switch'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.35 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'IEC958 Optical Raw Playback Switch'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.36 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 100'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Headphone Playback Volume'
    		index 1
    		value.0 0
    		value.1 0
    	control.37 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Headphone Center Playback Switch'
    		index 1
    		value true
    	control.38 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Headphone LFE Playback Switch'
    		index 1
    		value true
    	control.39 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface PCM
    		name 'EFX voices mask'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 false
    		value.2 false
    		value.3 false
    		value.4 false
    		value.5 false
    		value.6 false
    		value.7 false
    		value.8 false
    		value.9 false
    		value.10 false
    		value.11 false
    		value.12 true
    		value.13 false
    		value.14 false
    		value.15 false
    		value.16 false
    		value.17 false
    		value.18 false
    		value.19 false
    		value.20 false
    		value.21 false
    		value.22 false
    		value.23 false
    		value.24 false
    		value.25 false
    		value.26 false
    		value.27 false
    		value.28 false
    		value.29 false
    		value.30 false
    		value.31 false
    	control.40 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Master Playback Switch'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.41 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Master Playback Volume'
    		value.0 20
    		value.1 20
    	control.48 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Front Playback Switch'
    		value.0 true
    		value.1 true
    	control.49 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Front Playback Volume'
    		value.0 27
    		value.1 27
    	control.52 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'PC Speaker Playback Switch'
    		value true
    	control.53 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 15'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'PC Speaker Playback Volume'
    		value 15
    	control.54 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Phone Playback Switch'
    		value true
    	control.55 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type INTEGER
    		comment.range '0 - 31'
    		iface MIXER
    		name 'Phone Playback Volume'
    		value 0
    	control.56 {
    		comment.access 'read write'
    		comment.type BOOLEAN
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    Dokument vytvořil: Petr Gola, 23.12.2001 04:37 | Zobrazeno: 1313×

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    ISSN 1214-1267
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