Portál AbcLinuxu, 5. června 2024 09:34

JBUG.cz - What's new in Infinispan 7

Aktualizováno: 31.3.2015 20:05 | Jan Bleha | Přečteno: 302×

V mistnosti A318 na Fakultě informatiky v Brně proběhne JBUG setkani na tema novinky v Infinispan 7. Prezentuji Tomas Sykora a Martin Gencur.

Popis zde - http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JBUGcz
Infinispan a is scalable, highly available key/value NoSQL data store and data grid solution. That description might seem a bit long but still it's not complete. We would like to introduce Infinispan as a hybrid NoSQL solution that supports also document store querying capabilities using new Infinispan Query API. We will demonstrate how to query data both locally and remotely, without knowing any keys. We said data grid solution, yes. Have you ever considered watching over hundreds of servers? We did. No one wants to find himself ssh-ing to every single machine and doing stuff here and there. Let us introduce you brand new Infinispan Management Console -- monitoring, web UI solution for Infinispan clusters. Community started with development just a few months ago; tell us what you think about the current state and our future plans.

Účast potvrdilo: zatím bohužel nikdo

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