Portál AbcLinuxu, 2. června 2024 12:05

RSS Guard - verze

29.9.2014 08:09 | Přečteno: 1049× | Programování | Výběrový blog

Co dodat. Nové funkce nějaké jsou, něco bugů taky opraveno.
Fully portable settings is now used as default if non portable settings does not exist yet.
List of actions in toolbar editor now does not allow copying of items.
Keyboard search for message list should now work with Qt 4.
Overall code cleanups and refactoring primarily in area of feed/message models and recycle bin functionality.
Fixed bugs #66, #67, #69, #64, #48.
Blau skin now has colored webkit scrollbars, fixed some button widths and enhanced menu popup tool buttons.

Application can now be safely restarted from within main menu.
HTTP request for feed files now contains special "Accept" header.
Recycle bin with ability to trash or restore the whole bin or individual messages.
MySQL backend now allows to defragment/optimize RSS Guard database.
Three new skins, including solarized skin. Vergilius improved.

File downloader now resolves "feed://" URI scheme to "http://" URI scheme.
Target message is now selected instead of highlighted when searching with keyboard.

Hodnocení: 100 %


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