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    dnes 16:22 | IT novinky

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    dnes 13:22 | IT novinky

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    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 1
    dnes 12:33 | Bezpečnostní upozornění

    V Gitu bylo nalezeno 5 zranitelností. Opraveny jsou ve verzích 2.45.1, 2.44.1, 2.43.4, 2.42.2, 2.41.1, 2.40.2 a 2.39.4. Útočník může připravit repozitář tak, že při jeho klonování (git clone) může dojít ke spuštění libovolného kódu.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    dnes 04:11 | IT novinky

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    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    dnes 02:11 | Nová verze

    Linuxová distribuce Endless OS (Wikipedie) byla vydána ve verzi 6.0.0. Přehled novinek i s náhledy v příspěvku na blogu, poznámkách k vydání a také na YouTube.

    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 15:44 | Nová verze

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    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 15:22 | Nová verze

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    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 0
    včera 14:55 | Nová verze

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    Ladislav Hagara | Komentářů: 2
    včera 13:00 | Nová verze

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    Celkem 276 hlasů
     Komentářů: 16, poslední včera 11:05

    Customizing Asus AM200g - II. Preparing the environment

    2.6.2008 22:53 | Přečteno: 2680× | Linux | Výběrový blog | poslední úprava: 3.7.2008 01:48

    I know I promised you a jabber server, but in the end it was not so easy and the entry would be perhaps too long, so let's start with simple stuff :-)

    Note I am not a programmer, have no C skills, so there can be a glitch here and there, but in the end all steps below led me to something that worked. If you find something really nasty, please let me know.

    I took most of the inspiration at Daniel Fišer's page on Asus WL-600g hacking and just tweaked it to suit my setup.

    1. On a fresh Mandriva 2008.1 installation some of the necessary tools are missing. Install them as root:

    # urpmi make gcc autoconf automake

    2. Since Asus still did not release the sources for AM200g, I used the GPL setup provided for AM604g, which uses the same chipset and seems to be almost identical (it even comes in the same box, except for missing USB port and second antenna). Follow these steps to install it:

    $ wget
    $ unzip
    $ cd GPL_AM604G_ForRussia
    $ tar xvf GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01_GPL.tar.gz
    $ su
    # ./consumer_install

    3. Not surprisingly, the AM604g source is just as broken as the AM600g one, so the same steps as described by Daniel need to be done:

    # cd /opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/bin
    # for A in mips-linux-uclibc-* ; do
    > ln -s ${A} mipsel-uclibc-${A#mips-linux-uclibc-}
    > done
    # cd /home/hajma/Documents/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01
    # wget
    # patch -p0 <cur_menu.patch

    4. Now you can try to build the firmware, just for fun:

    # make PROFILE=GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34
    The firmware is created in the images directory. Since I have no replacement for the router, I'm not going to try it, although it might actually work.

    5. To prepare the environment, create a file containing:

    $ cat environment
    export LIBS="-L${TOOLCHAINS_HOME}/lib/gcc/mips-linux/3.4.2"
    export INCLUDES="-I${TOOLCHAINS_HOME}/include/c++/3.4.2 \
            -I${TOOLCHAINS_HOME}/mips-linux/sys-include \
    export CFLAGS="${INCLUDES} ${LIBS} -static"
    export LDFLAGS="-static"
    export CC="${TOOLCHAINS_HOME}/bin/mipsel-uclibc-gcc"
    export PATH="${PATH}:${TOOLCHAINS_HOME}/bin"
    and set the environment before doing anything else:
    # . ./environment
    (yes, this is "dot space dot ...")

    6. Let's proceed to the helloworld example. Create it's own folder:

     mkdir /home/hajma/Documents/GPL_AM604G_ForRussia/GENERIC_6348_WLAN_A34_3-06-02-01/userapps/opensource/helloworld
    and follow the steps described in the automake manual:

    Create the following files in an empty directory.

    • src/main.c is the source file for the hello program. We store it in the src/ subdirectory, because later, when the package evolves, it will ease the addition of a man/ directory for man pages, a data/ directory for data files, etc.
                ~/amhello % cat src/main.c
                #include <config.h>
                #include <stdio.h>
                main (void)
                  puts ("Hello World!");
                  puts ("This is " PACKAGE_STRING ".");
                  return 0;
    • README contains some very limited documentation for our little package.
                ~/amhello % cat README
                This is a demonstration package for GNU Automake.
                Type `info Automake' to read the Automake manual.
    • and src/ contain Automake instructions for these two directories.
                ~/amhello % cat src/
                bin_PROGRAMS = hello
                hello_SOURCES = main.c
                ~/amhello % cat
                SUBDIRS = src
                dist_doc_DATA = README
    • Finally, contains Autoconf instructions to create the configure script.
                ~/amhello % cat
                AC_INIT([amhello], [1.0], [])
                AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror foreign])

    Once you have these five files, it is time to run the Autotools to instantiate the build system. Do this using the autoreconf command as follows:

         ~/amhello % autoreconf --install installing `./install-sh' installing `./missing'
         src/ installing `./depcomp'

    At this point the build system is complete.

    In addition to the three scripts mentioned in its output, you can see that autoreconf created four other files: configure,,, and src/ The latter three files are templates that will be adapted to the system by configure under the names config.h, Makefile, and src/Makefile. Let's do this:

    In addition to the manual's instructions, the details of host architecture must be provided when compiling for another platform. Also I set the prefix as the flash drive gets mounted as /var/usb/usb_1:

    # ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=mipsel-linux --target=mipsel-linux --prefix=/var/usb/usb_1/hello
    # make
    # make install

    7. Optionally you can strip (remove all unnecessary bits) the binary:

    # cd /var/usb/usb_1/hello/bin
    # /opt/toolchains/uclibc-crosstools/bin/mipsel-uclibc-strip -o hellostripped hello

    8. Copy the files to the flash:

    # /home/hajma/Documents/squashfs2.0r2/squashfs-tools/mksquashfs /var/usb/usb_1 /tmp/dir.sqsh -be -noI -noD -noF
    # dd if=/tmp/dir.sqsh of=/dev/sdb1

    9. Plug the flash drive to the router and verify all runs fine:

    $ telnet
    Connected to (
    Escape character is '^]'.
    BCM96348 ADSL Router
    Login: admin
    > sh
    BusyBox v1.00 (2005.04.12-18:11+0000) Built-in shell (msh)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
    # cd /var/usb/usb_1/hello/bin
    # ./hello
    Hello World!
    This is amhello 1.0.
    # ./hellostripped
    Hello World!
    This is amhello 1.0.

    Final note: if you get "hello: applet not found" instead, it means you somehow did not compile the program for correct platform and BusyBox was not able to execute it.

    Customizing Asus AM200g - V. firmware modification
    Customizing Asus AM200g - IV. jabberd configuration
    Customizing Asus AM200g - III. jabberd and vim
    Customizing Asus AM200g - I. PREPARATION

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